Joseph Lefftz

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Joseph Lefftz (born April 14, 1888 in Oberehnheim, today Obernai in Lower Alsace, † November 13, 1977 in Strasbourg ) was an Alsatian folklorist and literary scholar .


Joseph Lefftz, who came from an Alsatian “farming and winemaking family” that had existed for many generations, first attended elementary school and the Progymnasium in Oberehnheim before he switched to the grammar school in Schlettstadt in 1898 . After graduating from high school, he began studying German and Classical Philology at the University of Strasbourg in 1908 , which he obtained in 1913 with a doctorate. phil. on the basis of his dissertation on "The popular style elements in Murner's satires". After a brief activity as a high school teacher in Schlettstadt, he began his academic work as a librarian and curator at the Strasbourg University and State Library in 1914, which he held until his retirement in 1956, although this was interrupted by an almost ten-year impeachment by the purge commission immediately after the end of the second world War .

His extensive research in Alsatian folklore and related literary issues included: a. the editor of the leading folklore magazine Alsace. A travers les Vosges since 1920 (together with Alfred Pfleger). In 1941 he was appointed honorary professor at the University of Strasbourg. The focus of his research and publications was on Alsatian folklore in music, in stories and legends and in popular customs.


Joseph Lefftz received the Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prize from the University of Innsbruck in 1964 and the Johann Peter Hebel Prize from the State of Baden-Württemberg in 1967 .


  • The folk style elements in Murner's satires. Strasbourg: Verlag KJ Trübner 1915 (= individual publications on the Alsatian intellectual and cultural history, volume 1). New edition Frankfurt / M .: Diesterweg [1938]
  • Clemens Brentano, The Chronicle of the Traveling Schoolboy. Original version. Edited by Joseph Lefftz. Leipzig, 1923
  • Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm. Edited from the original of Clemens Brentano's estate. by Joseph Lefftz. Leipzig, 1926
  • The learned and literary societies in Alsace before 1870. Heidelberg: Winter, 1931 (= writings of the Alsatian-Lorraine Scientific Society, Series A, Volume 6)
  • Alsatian folk tales. Bred back to the day. Gebweiler: Alsatia, 1931 (= Alsace Library Volume 11)
  • Alsatian Christmas. Edited by Joseph Lefftz and Alfred Pfleger. Gebweiler: Alsatia, 1931. Increased new edition: Kolmar: Alsatia, 1941
  • Our women's cathedral in Strasbourg. A ceremony to mark the five hundredth anniversary of the completion of the tower. by Joseph Lefftz. Guebwiller: Alsatia, 1939
  • From rural love letters. Alsatian folk poetry collected by Joseph Lefftz. Kolmar: Alsatia [1944?]
  • Alsatian village images. A book of rural nature and art. Woerth: Sutter, 1958
  • The folk song in Alsace. Volume I: Narrative and historical songs. Volume II: Class and wandering songs from home and abroad. Volume III: Songs of love, lust and suffering, of getting married and married life. Colmar / Paris / Freiburg: Alsatia, 1966–1969
  • Alsatian folk life at the beginning of the year. Strasbourg: Culture alsacienne, 1973
  • Alsatian folk life in Easter spring. Strasbourg: Culture alsacienne, 1974
  • Alsatian folk life in the Pentecostal circle. Griesheim sur Souffel: Culture alsacienne, 1979


  • Lucien Sittler : Dr. Joseph Lefftz at the age of fifty . In: Yearbook of the Alsace-Lorraine Wiss. Strasbourg Society , Volume 12. Colmar: Alsatia 1939
  • Lucien Sittler: Joseph Lefftz on his 70th birthday . In: Joseph Lefftz, Alsatian village pictures . Woerth: Sutter 1958

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Bosch : The Johann Peter Hebelpreis 1936-1988 , Waldkirch: Waldkircher Verlag 1988, p. 232.
  2. Manfred Bosch: The Johann Peter Hebelpreis 1936-1988 , Waldkirch: Waldkircher Verlag 1988, p. 234.
  3. Manfred Bosch: The Johann Peter Hebelpreis 1936-1988 , Waldkirch: Waldkircher Verlag 1988, p. 236.