Josef Oberegger

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Josef Oberegger (born January 23, 1896 in Leoben , Styria , † October 9, 1969 in Vienna ) was an Austrian metallurgical engineer and politician.


Oberegger volunteered in the First World War in 1915 to the infantry regiment King Albert I. No. 27 , he became first lieutenant in the reserve.

Josef Oberegger studied at the Montan University Leoben and became a member of the Schacht Corps in 1919 . Also in 1919 he took part in the Carinthian defensive battle as a platoon commander of the Leoben student battalion .

From 1922 to 1938 he worked for the Austrian Alpine Mining Company (ÖAMG), initially as a metallurgical engineer and operations assistant in the Donawitz steelworks , and from 1926–1934 as operations manager for the blast furnace .

In 1927 he was one of the founders of Heimatschutz in Upper Styria, in 1928 he was co-founder and first deputy chairman of the independent trade unions . He worked in the short-lived " home block headquarters", from 1932 to 1934 he was a leader in the home block. He was an economic policy advisor for the federal leadership of the Heimwehr . For a few days (April 28, 1934 to May 2, 1934) he was a member of the National Council. Also in 1934 he was government commissioner for the ÖAMG, and in 1935 a member of the board of the ÖAMG. From 1936 to 1938 he was a member of the Federal Economic Council.

After Austria was annexed in 1938, he was released from the ÖAMG and interned in the Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps.

From 1941 to 1945 he was director of a soap factory in Klagenfurt . In 1944 he was temporarily in Gestapo detention .

From 1945 he was the public administrator of the ÖAMG, from 1959 to 1964 general director , then on the supervisory board . In addition, he was also on the supervisory board of the coal holding and head of the trade association for mines and the iron-making industry .



  • Walter Wiltschegg: The Home Guard. An irresistible popular movement? (= Studies and sources on Austrian contemporary history. Vol. 7). Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, Vienna 1985, ISBN 3-486-52431-3 .
  • Barbara Schleicher: Hot iron. On the corporate policy of the Österreichisch-Alpine Montangesellschaft in the years 1918–1933. Lang, Frankfurt am Main et al. 1999, ISBN 3-631-33202-5 (At the same time: Halle, University, dissertation, 1998: In tow of the German steel industry. ).

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Walter Wiltschegg: The Home Guard: an irresistible popular movement? Ed .: Rudolf Neck, Adam Wandruszka (=  studies and sources on Austrian contemporary history . No. 7 ). Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, Vienna 1985, ISBN 978-3-7028-0221-9 , pp. 357 .
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 153/131.
  3. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB)