Josef Römelt

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Josef Römelt CSsR (born July 10, 1957 in Wilhelmshaven ) is a German Roman Catholic theologian and university professor .


He entered the Redemptorist Order in 1977 and was ordained a priest in 1983 after studying theology. After completing his doctorate and habilitation in the field of moral theology in Innsbruck , he became professor of moral theology at the college of his order in the Geistingen monastery in Hennef (Sieg) in 1992 . Visiting professorships at the Accademia Alfonsiana and the Gregoriana in Rome followed . He was appointed to the Erfurt Chair for Moral Theology and Ethics in 1995.

His current research interests include paradigms of theological ethics (moral theology) after the Second Vatican Council and questions of legal ethics and medical ethics.

Fonts (selection)

  • Personal understanding of God in today's moral theology on the background of the theologies of Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar (= Innsbruck Theological Studies . Volume 21). Tyrolia, Innsbruck 1988, ISBN 3-7022-1645-6 (also dissertation, Innsbruck 1987).
  • Theology of responsibility. For the theological examination of a philosophical principle (= science and responsibility . Volume 1). Resch, Innsbruck 1991, ISBN 3-85382-049-2 (also habilitation thesis, Innsbruck 1990).
  • Between suffering and guilt. What solves fear . Butzon and Bercker, Kevelaer 1991, ISBN 3-7666-9723-4 .
  • as editor: Hans Rotter : Faith and Action. Christian existence under the call of God . Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck 1992, ISBN 3702218645 .
  • as editor with Bruno Hidber : Liberated to life in Christ. For Bernhard Häring . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1992, ISBN 3-451-22874-2 .
  • as editor: responsibility for life. Ethics, technology, protection of life and crisis intervention (= science and responsibility . Volume 2). Resch, Innsbruck 1993, ISBN 3853820573 .
  • Anthropocentric aporia and Christian conscience (= studies on theological ethics . Volume 60). Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1994, ISBN 3-451-23518-8 .
  • Realistic freedom. Thoughts on theology of responsibility . Knecht, Frankfurt am Main 1995, ISBN 3-7820-0710-7 .
  • The sense of moral responsibility. On the basics of Christian ethics in a complex society (= Handbook of Moral Theology . Volume 1). Pustet, Regensburg 1996, ISBN 3-7917-1506-2 .
  • as editor: Ethics and Pluralism (= science and responsibility . Volume 3). Resch, Innsbruck 1997, ISBN 3853820670 .
  • Freedom that is more than arbitrariness. Christian ethics in interpersonal relationships, lifestyle, illness and death (= Handbook of Moral Theology . Volume 2). Pustet, Regensburg 1997, ISBN 3-7917-1538-0 .
  • as editor with Franz Georg Friemel and Heike Sturm : First information ethics. Ethical terms from A to Z . Benno-Verlag, Leipzig 1998, ISBN 3746212626 .
  • with Michael Schramm : Beyond pragmatism and resignation. Perspectives of Christian responsibility for the environment, peace and social justice (= Handbook of Moral Theology . Volume 3). Pustet, Regensburg 1999, ISBN 3-7917-1636-0 .
  • Christian ethics in a pluralistic context. A discussion of the method of ethical reflection in theology (= studies of moral theology . Supplement 4). Lit, Münster 2000, ISBN 3-8258-4707-1 .
    • Christian ethics in a pluralistic context. A discussion of the method of ethical reflection in theology (= studies of moral theology . Supplement 4). 2nd updated edition, Lit, Münster 2007, ISBN 978-3-8258-4707-4 .
  • La coscienza. Un conflitto delle interpretazioni. (= Quaestiones morales . Volume 13). Ed. Acad. Alphonsianae, Rome 2002, OCLC 248932432 .
  • as editor: Truth at the bedside. Medical and theological reflection on communication between doctor and patient (= Erfurt Theologische Schriften . Volume 31). Benno-Verlag, Leipzig 2002, ISBN 3746215773 .
  • as editor: Late terminations of pregnancy. Reflections on a controversial practice (= Erfurt theological writings . Volume 33). Benno-Verlag, Leipzig 2005, ISBN 9783746218199 .
  • as editor with Augustin Schmied: 50 years of the law of Christ. Bernhard Häring's contribution to the renewal of moral theology (= studies of moral theology . Supplement 14). LIT Verlag, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-8258-9060-0 .
  • Human dignity and freedom. Legal ethics and theology of law beyond natural law and positivism (= Quaestiones Disputatae . Volume 220). Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2006, ISBN 3-451-02220-6 .
  • Giving meaning to dying. A theological commentary on the current debate on dying and euthanasia (= Zukunftsforum Politik . Volume 220). Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Sankt Augustin / Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-939826-17-0 .
  • Christian ethics in modern society. Volume 1 Basics (= basics of theology ). Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2008, ISBN 978-3-451-29895-0 .
  • as editor with Harald Goll and Monika Jaquier: Children with anencephaly and their families . Klinkhardt Verlag, Bad Heilbrunn 2009, ISBN 978-3-7815-1663-2 .
    • Etica cristiana nella società moderna. 1. Fondamenti (= Introduzioni e trattati . Volume 37). Editrice Queriniana, Brescia 2011, ISBN 978-88-399-2187-1 .
  • Christian ethics in modern society. Volume 2 areas of life (= basics of theology ). Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2009, ISBN 978-3-451-29995-7 .
    • Etica cristiana nella società moderna. 2. Ambiti della vita (= Introduzioni e trattati . Volume 39). Editrice Queriniana, Brescia 2011, ISBN 978-88-399-2189-5 .
  • as editor with Josef Pilvousek : The library of Amplonius Rating de Berka and its hidden treasures. Notes on the rediscovery of "Erfurt" Augustine sermons (= Erfurt Theological Writings . Volume 39). Echter, Würzburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-429-03249-4 .
  • The cultural-scientific claim of theological ethics (= Quaestiones Disputatae . Volume 242). Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2011, ISBN 978-3-451-02242-5 .

Web links

  • Josef Römelt on the chair's website
  • Josef Römelt in the Who is Who of the University of Erfurt (has not been updated since 2020)