Joseph Allgeyer

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Joseph Allgeyer (* around 1700 in Hofen , † 1781 in Wasseralfingen ) was a German organ builder and founder of the Wasseralfingen organ building workshop.


Allgeyer came from the well-known Hofener organ building dynasty Allgeyer . He was the son of the Hofener organ builder Johann Georg Allgeyer the Elder. Ä. and brother of Johann Georg Allgeyer the Elder. J. , who worked in his father's business, and the joiner Johannes Allgeyer (1712–1782). In 1731 he married his wife Maria Magdalena Romlin, who came from Wasseralfingen (around 1706–1776). His two sons Franz Konrad and Joseph Narzissus continued the organ building business in Wasseralfingen.

Allgeyer learned the art of organ building from his father. As the eldest son, he set up his own organ building business during the heyday of organ building in Wasseralfingen. In contrast to his brother's workshop, hardly any new organs are known from the Wasseralfingen factory. The workshop focused more on the maintenance and repair of existing organs from the domestic organ landscape. Joseph Allgeyer worked on the organs in Unterkochen and Ellwangen . He created new instruments for the churches in Hemmingen (1738) and Röhlingen (1769/70).

Allgeyer was considered a highly respected man in his home country. The family officials from Ellwang, Reichlin von Meldegg , von Syrgenstein and the local priests acted as godparents for his children .
