Joseph Mees

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Joseph Mees (born November 21, 1923 in Bornem , † December 9, 2001 ) was a diplomat of the Holy See .


Joseph Mees received on 4 April 1948, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

Paul VI appointed him on June 14, 1969 titular archbishop pro hac vice of Ypres and apostolic nuncio in Indonesia . The Cardinal Secretary of State , Jean-Marie Cardinal Villot , consecrated him bishop on June 30 of the same year ; Co - consecrators were Sergio Pignedoli , Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples , and Emiel-Jozef De Smedt , Bishop of Bruges .

The Pope appointed him on July 10, 1973 as Apostolic Nuncio in Paraguay . John Paul II appointed him on January 19, 1985 Apostolic Pro-Nuncio in Lesotho and Apostolic Delegate in South Africa . He resigned from his office in October 1987.

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