Joseph Nieriker

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Joseph Nieriker (born May 12, 1828 in Baden ; † April 21, 1903 there ) was a Swiss draftsman , illustrator and drawing teacher .

Joseph Nieriker: Langnau in the Emmental

Live and act

Joseph Nieriker began an apprenticeship in Baden with the lithographer and drawing teacher Johann Friedrich Hasler (1808–1871). From May 22, 1847 he studied for three years at the Munich Art Academy .

After returning from Munich, he worked as a lithographer and engraver in St. Gallen , Lucerne and Biel . He also gave private lessons in pastel and watercolor painting.

From 1854 he was resident again in Baden. In 1859 he was employed as a teacher for drawing and writing at the Progymnasium Burgdorf . In 1875 he resigned from teaching and started working as a freelance artist. From 1881 he worked as a permanent employee of the Leipziger Illustrirten Zeitung . His drawings of the Gotthard Railway built in Wassen were published in an 1882 edition.

From 1878 to 1879 he worked in Munich and southern Germany. From 1895 he lived in Zurich . His interest was in the construction and operation of railways , including tunnels and bridges. As a reporter with a pencil he documented the construction of the Gotthard Railway, the Brünig Railway , the Rigibahn and the Arlberg Railway . In 1893 his friend Ludwig Knaus visited him in Switzerland. The bachelor spent the last years of his life with his sister in Baden.

His drawing legacy includes 600 works and 16 sketchbooks which were kept by Eugen Märchy after his death . From 1947 the estate came to the Baden Municipal Museum.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • The drawing reporter, Joseph Nieriker from Baden, 1828–1903, railway construction, enthusiasm for the Alps and tourism in Switzerland. Historical Museum Baden , June 19 to September 21, 1997, Museum Neuhaus Biel, November 8, 1997 to January 15, 1998, Nidwalden Museum Stans, February 7 to March 29, 1998.


  • no .: From the construction sites of the Gotthard Railway. Drawings by Joseph Nieriker from 1881. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , April 5, 1957 ( digitized version ).
  • Otto Mittler : The draftsman and illustrator Joseph Nieriker. In: Baden New Years Papers. Edited by the Baden Literary Society; Association for local history of the Baden district. Baden 1955. pp. 24-29. doi : 10.5169 / seals-322543
  • Otto Mittler: Joseph Nieriker (1828–1903). In: Argovia , annual journal of the Historical Society of the Canton of Aargau, vol. 68–69, 1958, p. 576 ( digitized version ).
  • Bruno Meier: The drawing reporter Joseph Nieriker from Baden 1828–1903. Baden-Verlag, Baden 1997, ISBN 3-85545-104-4 ( table of contents ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Enrollment of Joseph Nieriker, matriculation book 1847, No. 00499. Academy of Fine Arts Munich, accessed on February 9, 2016 .

Web links

Commons : Joseph Nieriker  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Holdings: Drawings by Joseph Nieriker in the Baden Historical Museum. City Archives Baden AG . 1846-1960. Signature: Q.15. link