Joseph Uriot

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Title page of the inauguration speech for the Carl Eugen library
Portrait of Joseph Uriot in the form of a silhouette

Joseph Uriot (* 1713 in Nancy ; † October 18, 1788 ) was a freemason , librarian, actor, acting teacher, history professor, French teacher, musician and writer in the Duchy of Württemberg . He was maître de plaisir at the Württemberg court.


Joseph Uriot began his education at the Jesuit College in Nancy and completed his studies at the University of Pont-à-Mousson . From 1732 to 1737 he taught the classical languages; In 1737 he became professor of history and geography and also librarian in Lunéville , later an actor in Bayreuth .

Uriot left behind various writings on Freemasonry. He was a member of the Lodge for Unity in Frankfurt . In 1750 he founded a French lodge in Bayreuth and was a member of the Brussels lodge L'Égalité .

In 1759 he came to Württemberg as an actor, and on October 19, 1761 he was appointed ducal librarian. The library of Duke Carl Eugen (today's Württemberg State Library ) was founded in Ludwigsburg and opened in 1765; Uriot, who resigned from his work as an actor that year and henceforth headed the library, wrote a speech about it that appeared in print. The library was moved to the manor house in Stuttgart in 1776. It was administered by a total of four librarians, supported by two servants. It was open to readers three days a week; Books could only be borrowed with the Duke's handwritten signature. The holdings grew to around 100,000 volumes during Carl Eugen's lifetime, who, through his acquisitions, created the basis for the largest collection of Bibles in Europe. Uriot must also have been a bibliophile himself; Among other things, it is documented that a manuscript of the Book of Nature by Konrad von Megenberg was in his possession .

In Stuttgart, Uriot saw the world premiere of the ballet Médée et Jason by Jean Georges Noverre in 1763, in which the 33-year-old Gaetano Vestris played Jason. His dance partner was Mlle. Nency, later known as the wife of Antoine Trancarts , who danced in the ballet choir at this performance, under the name Maria Anna Trancart . Uriot, as the chronicler of the festivities to celebrate Carl Eugen's birthday as well as the opera and ballet performances during the carnival season, wrote detailed descriptions of these highlights of artistic and social life in Stuttgart in the late 18th century. As an acting teacher at the music and facial expression institute of the ducal academy, he looked after the next generation of artists. Uriot was also Friedrich Schiller's French teacher at the High Charles School and probably introduced him to Noverres Lettres sur la Danse, et sur les Ballets . Whether Uriot actually composed himself or not just wrote the libretto for some of Antonio Boroni's works is controversial.

In 1779 Uriot became theater director in Stuttgart.

Johann Jakob or Jacob Michael Mettenleiter created a portrait of Uriot.

Works (selection)

  • Lettre D'Un Franc-Maçon A Mr. De Vaux $ dConseiller De Sa Maj. Le Roy De Pologne Duc De Lorraine Et De Son Altesse Electorale Le Prince Palatin, Frankfurt a. M. 1742 ( digitized version )
    • German translation: Letter from a Freymäurer of the local Einigkeits Lodge, to the Lord of Vaux, Königl. Pohlnisch-Herzoglich-Lothring- and Churpfältzischen Raths, concerning the secret of the Freymäurer Society, Frankfurt a. M. 1742
  • Le Secrèt Des Francs-Mâçons Mis En Evidence, Frankfurt a. M .: Societé 1744 ( digitized version )
  • Odes Sur la Naissance de Son Altesse Sérénissime Monseigneur le Margrave de Brandebourg-Culmbac-Bayreuth, célébrée le 10 May 1745. & Sur celle de Son Altesse Royale Son auguste Epouse célébrée le 3 Juillet de la même année, Bayreuth: Dietzel 1745. ( Digitalisat )
  • Description Des Festes Données A Stoutgard Par Son Altesse Serenissime Monseigneur Le Duc Regnant De Würtemberg & Teck & c. & c. A L'Occasion Du Jour De Sa Naissance, Stuttgart: Erhard 1762
    • German translation: Description of the ceremonies that were employed on the occasion of the birth festival ... of the ruling Duke of Würtenberg and Teck on the 11th and following days of the Hornungs in 1763, Stuttgart: Cotta 1763
  • La vérité telle qu'elle est, contre "La pure vérité", Augsburg 1765
    • German translation: The truth as it is, opposed to the so titled Pure Truth, by a society of honest men who have perfect knowledge of the nature of the Würtemberg court and the constitution of the duchy, Stuttgart: Cotta 1765
  • Speech at the opening of the ruling Duke of Wirtemberg u. Teck ... donated public library $ dan Höchst-Dero birth festivals, held in 1765, Stuttgart: Cotta 1765
  • Discours Sur La Richesse Et Les Avantages Du Duché De Würtemberg, Stuttgart: Cotta 1770
    • German translation: Speech of the wealth and virtues of the Duchy of Würtemberg, Stuttgart: Cotta 1770 ( digitized version )
  • Historical news from the foundation of the Ducal Military Academy in Stuttgardt and its elevation to the Carls-Hohen-Schule in 1781, Stuttgart: Cotta 1781.

Individual evidence

  1. Swabian Chronicle . No. 126 , October 20, 1788, p. 253 .
  2. ^ Württemberg quarterly books for regional history. 13, 1904, p. 152.
  3. a b Joseph Uriot on
  4. Württemberg history and antiquity association: Duke Karl Eugen of Württemberg and his time. Volume 1, P. Neff Verlag, 1907, p. 520.
  5. Bernd Hagenau (Ed.): Regional libraries in Germany. With a view of Austria and Switzerland. Vittorio Klostermann, 2000, ISBN 3-465-03085-0 , p. 368 f.
  6. Heidelberg University Library
  7. Pia and Pino Mlakar: Immortal Theater Dance. 300 years of ballet history at the Munich Opera. Volume 1: From the beginnings around 1650 to 1860. Florian Noetzel, 1992, ISBN 3-7959-0524-9 , p. 102 f.
  8. Gabriele Brandstetter: "The Pictorial Writing of Sensations". Jean-Georges Noverre's Lettres sur la Danse, et sur les Ballets and Friedrich Schiller's treatise on grace and dignity. In: Achim Aurnhammer et al. (Ed.): Schiller and the courtly world. Tübingen 1990, ISBN 3-484-10649-2 , p. 77 ff., Here p. 78 f.
  9. Alexander Košenina: Anthropology and acting. Studies on ›eloquentia corporis‹ in the 18th century. (= Theatron 11). Tübingen 1995, ISBN 3-484-66011-2 , p. 247.
  10. Georg Kaspar Nagler: The monogrammists and those known and unknown artists of all schools who have used a figurative symbol [...] to designate their works. IV. Volume, Munich 1864, p. 625.
  11. ^ Friedrich Karl Rupprecht: Critical index of the collection of copper engravings of the Sr. Excellency of Stephan, Freyherrn von Stengel, who died in Bamberg. First part, Bamberg 1824, p. 116.