Jost Prüm

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Jost Prüm (2005)

Jost Prüm (born April 7, 1930 in Trier ; † July 4, 2017 in Homburg / Saar ) was a former bank director and long-time president of the Saarland Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as long-time treasurer of the German Association of Industry and Commerce (DIHT) and German -French Chamber of Commerce and Industry .


Jost Prüm graduated from high school in Bernkastel-Kues in 1949 . He studied law from 1949 to 1954 in Mainz, Geneva and Bonn. In 1954 he passed his first state examination in Mainz; In 1958 he passed his second state examination, also in Mainz. From 1958 to 1960 he completed an apprenticeship as a banker at Deutsche Bank AG in Neuwied.

He received his doctorate in 1958 in Mainz with his dissertation on the administrative and control bodies of the French Société Anonyme as a doctor of both rights ( Doctor iuris utriusque ).


Deutsche Bank Saar

Jost Prüm was a member of the board of directors of Saarländische Kreditbank from March 15, 1968 to June 13, 1996 and, since its name was changed in 1978, Deutsche Bank Saar. For 24 years he was a member of the board of the Saarländische Investitionskreditbank in addition to this board position .

IHK Saar and DIHT

From 1985 to 1996 he was President of the Saarland Chamber of Commerce and Industry . Since 1996 he has been honorary president of the Saarland Chamber of Commerce and Industry. During this time he was also a member of the board of the German Industry and Trade Conference and treasurer of the DIHT. He became the first president of the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Saar-Lor-Lux region, founded in 1990. As President of the Saarland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he campaigned for the ICE / TGV connection to Paris and the expansion of the A 8 to Luxembourg.

German-French Chamber of Commerce

He was also a member of the executive committee and treasurer of the Franco-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Paris for many years . Prüm was an honorary member of the Presidium of the Franco-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce.


Jost Prüm was the oldest of the four sons of Sebastian Alois Prüm , who ran the Joh. Jos. Prüm led from 1920 to 1967; he also had the first names of his grandfather Johann Josef Prüm, who ran the Joh. Jos. Prüm and parts of the historic winery "SA Prüm-Erben" founded in 1911. On the 200th birthday of his ancestor Jodocus Prüm on September 22, 2007, he and his brother Eckart set up the Jodocus Prüm Foundation in Wehlen , which promotes regional projects.

He has been married since 1968 and has two children.

He was a member of the Catholic student associations KDStV Rhenania-Moguntia Mainz and KDStV Bavaria Bonn in the CV .



Johann Josef Prüm, The administrative and control bodies of the French "société anonyme" after the reforms of 1935–37 and 1940–43, Mainz 1958

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Jost Prüm 65 years old", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 5, 1995, No. 81, p. 21
  2. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 19, 1996, No. 67, p. 20
  3. a b "Jost Prüm 65 Years", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 5, 1995, No. 81, p. 21
  4. SZ, Jost Prüm: “Grandseigneur” died with style. July 5, 2017. Retrieved July 5, 2017 .
  5. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, July 25, 1997, No. 170, p. 18
  6. ^ Presidium and Board of Directors of the Franco-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (No longer available online.) German-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, formerly the original ; accessed on May 14, 2017 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  7. A great day for Wehlen. Trierischer Volksfreund from November 28, 2007, November 28, 2007, accessed on May 14, 2017 .
  8. ^ Jodocus Prüm Community Foundation. Verbandsgemeinde Bernkastel-Kues, accessed on May 14, 2017 .
  9. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, January 24, 1996, No. 20, p. 19
  10. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 19, 1996, No. 67, p. 20
  11. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, July 25, 1997, No. 170, p. 18