Ju-Jitsu European Union

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The European Ju-Jitsu Union (EJJF or JJEU) is the European umbrella organization for Ju-Jutsu and Jiu-Jitsu . It enables the individual Ju-Jitsu leading professional associations in Europe to coordinate each other, be it in the organization of international competitions or in the coordination of technology (examination techniques, etc.)


The Ju-Jitsu European Federation was founded in 1977. The first members were Germany, Italy and Sweden, which initiated this process. Little by little, other Ju-Jitsu organizations from different European countries joined. Ten years after the founding of the European Ju-Jitsu Federation (EJJF), there was an initiative based on Europe to found a global umbrella organization, the International Ju-Jitsu Federation (IJJF)

Until 1987, the European Ju-Jitsu Union was the international trade association beyond Europe. When the IJJF was founded in 1987, the European Ju-Jitsu Union (JJEU) became a continental union.

After the sport of Ju-Jitsu was accepted into the General Association of International Sports Associations in 1993 and the first international championships were held according to a uniform system in 1997, the European Ju-Jitsu Federation (EJJF) became the European Ju-Jitsu Union (EJJU) and the International Ju-Jitsu Federation (IJJF) renamed the Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF).

The Ju-Jitsu European Union is still a constituent member of the Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF)


The European Ju-Jitsu Union currently (as of 2011) comprises a total of 32 national member organizations.

List of member countries:


  • President : Robert Perc Slovenia
  • Vice-President : Dana Mortelsman, Romania
  • 1st Vice President / Treasurer : Michael Korn , Germany GermanyGermany
  • Vice President: Philippe Merlin, France
  • Secretary General : Rick Frowjn, The Netherlands NetherlandsNetherlands

JJEU Technical Officers

Individual evidence

  1. a b JJEU Board elected at JJEU GA in Genoa, May 10th 2012 (JJEU Website, May 17th 2012)

Web links