Jules Hoüel

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Jules Hoüel

Guillaume Jules Hoüel (born April 7, 1823 in Thaon , † June 14, 1886 in Périers-sur-le-Dan near Caen ) was a French mathematician .


Hoüel attended the Lyceum in Caen and the Collège Rollin and studied from 1843 at the École normal supérieure (Paris) . Afterwards he was a teacher in Bourges , Bordeaux , Pau , Alençon and Caen. 1855 he received his doctorate at the Sorbonne with a thesis on celestial mechanics ( Sur l'intégration des équations différentielles dans lesproblemèmes de mécanique. Suivi de Application de la méthode de M. Hamilton au calcul des perturbations de Jupiter ). Urbain Le Verrier tried to convince him to work at the Paris Observatory, but preferred to return to his hometown Thaon where he did research for four years. In 1859 he became a professor of pure mathematics in Bordeaux (Faculté de Science), which he remained until his death.

After Crowe, his merit consisted mainly in his textbooks, which introduced French compatriots with geometric ideas, the use of complex numbers and their generalizations such as those of William Rowan Hamilton and Peter Guthrie Tait (quaternions), Giusto Bellavitis , Hermann Grassmann and Bernhard Riemann , but in particular about non-Euclidean geometry . Houel had a talent for languages ​​that helped him. After he had already questioned the validity of the parallel postulate and published an essay on it in 1863 (without knowing the progress made in the meantime by Bolyai, Lobatschewski), he came across publications on this abroad, in particular about the treatment by Richard Baltzer in its elements of Mathematics , and in 1866 published a translation of writings by Nikolai Lobatschewski and excerpts from the correspondence between Carl Friedrich Gauss and Heinrich Christian Schumacher , which also contains discussions on non-Euclidean geometry (postulate of parallels). He has also published relevant work by Hermann von Helmholtz , Eugenio Beltrami , Riemann and János Bolyai . He obtained the latter's works through a Hungarian engineer (Franz Schmidt) with whom he corresponded, and he encouraged him to write the biography of Bolyai.

In addition to textbooks, he also published mathematical tables such as logarithm tables .


  • Essai d'une exposition rationnelle des principes fondamentaux de la géométrie élémentaire, Archives of Mathematics and Physics, Volume 40, 1863, pp. 171–211.
  • Mémoire sur le développement des fonctions en séries périodiques au moyen de l'interpolation, Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1864
  • Etudes géométriques sur la théorie des parallèles, par Lobatschewsy, suivi d'un extrait de la correspondance de Gauss et de Schumacher, Mémoires de la Société des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux, Volume 4, 1866 pp. 83–128 (translation by Lobatschewski and Gauss-Schumacher)
  • Essai critique sur les principes fondamentaux de la géométrie élémentaire or commentaire on les XXXII premiers propositions des Eléments d'Euclide, Paris 1867
  • Recueil de formules et de tables numériques, Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1868
  • Sur le Calcul des équipollences: méthode d'analyse géométrique de M. Bellavitis, Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1869
  • Tables de logarithmes à cinq décimales: pour les nombres et les lignes trigonométriques, suivies des logarithmes d'addition et de soustraction ou logarithmes de Gauss et de diverses tables usuelles, Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1871
  • Notions élémentaires sur les déterminants, Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1871
  • Théorie élémentaire des quantités complexes, Paris 1867 to 1874
  • Éléments de la théorie des quaternions, Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1874
  • Cours de calcul infinitésimal, 4 volumes, Paris, 1878 to 1881
  • Considérations élémentaires sur la généralisation successive de l'idée de quantité dans l'analyse mathématique: suivi de remarques sur l'enseignement de la trigonométrie, Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1883


  • Michael J. Crowe, article on Hoüel in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography
  • Georges Brunel : Notice sur l'influence scientifique de Guillaume Jules Hoüel, Mémoires de la Société des sciences physiques de Bordeaux, Volume 4, 1888, pp. 1-78.
  • George Bruce Halsted : Biography. Hoüel, Amer. Math. Monthly, Vol. 4, 1897, pp. 99-101.
  • Paul Barbarin: La correspondance entre Hoüel et de Tilly, Bulletin des sciences mathématiques, 2nd ser., Volume 50, 1926, pp. 50–64, 74–88 (correspondence with Joseph Tilly )

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