Julius Baumgartner

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Julius Baumgärtner (born March 23, 1837 in Freiburg im Breisgau , † 1913 in Baden ) was a German physician .


Julius Baumgärtner was born as the son of the Freiburg pathologist Karl Heinrich Baumgärtner . From 1855 to 1860 he studied at the University of Freiburg Medical . At the beginning of his studies he became a member of the Corps Rhenania Freiburg . After graduating as Dr. med. in 1860 and for a short time as an assistant at the surgical university clinic, he completed his studies over the next three years in Paris with Auguste Nélaton , Antoine Joseph Jobert de Lamballe and Nonat, in London with Thomas Spencer Wells, William Morrant Baker and Brown, in Dublin at Denham, in Berlin with Eduard Arnold Martin and Bernhard von Langenbeck and in Vienna with Gustav Braun and Josef von Škoda .

In 1864 Baumgärtner took over the management of a private clinic for women's diseases in Baden-Baden . In 1879 he became the doctor in charge of the municipal hospital in Baden-Baden and in 1891 he was also the doctor in charge of the department for gynecological problems and surgical diseases at the Quisisana sanatorium.

During the Franco-Prussian War he was chief of the surgical hospital for French in the Rastatt fortress . In September 1879 he was the first managing director of the 52nd assembly of German naturalists and doctors in Baden-Baden.


Honorary positions

  • From 1907 to 1911 Julius Baumgärtner was a member of the Baden State Health Council.
  • During the same period he was a member of the Baden Medical Association.
  • He was also a deputy in the Medical Court of Honor in Baden.


  • The Respiratory Process in the Egg, 1861
  • The diseases of the larynx, 1864
  • About prolapse surgery, 1876
  • Three laparotomies within 3 years on the same patient, 1879
  • About goiter extirpation, 1889
  • About extraperitoneal hematoma, 1882
  • On detachability of the peritoneum in the pelvis, 1882
  • Via peritoneal toilet
  • About Cachexia strumipriva
  • Baden-Baden and its therapeutic products, 1886
  • The operation of parametric abscesses, 1889
  • A Contribution to Perityphlitis and its Treatment, 1894
  • Bladder fistula operation, 1896
  • Enucleation of the hemorrhoidal nodules, 1896


  • Pagel: Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century . Berlin, Vienna 1901, Col. 106-107. ( Permalink )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 35 , 301
  2. Kösener corps lists 1910, 47 , 295
  3. ^ Court and State Handbook of the Grand Duchy of Baden, 1910, p. 87 ( digitized version )
  4. ^ Court and State Handbook of the Grand Duchy of Baden, 1910, p. 635 ( digitized version )
  5. ^ Court and State Handbook of the Grand Duchy of Baden, 1910, p. 636 ( digitized version )
  6. Court and State Handbook of the Grand Duchy of Baden, 1910, p. 640 ( digitized version )