Bachelor Rifle Society "St. Lambertus “Lantershofen

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The bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen e. V. is a rifle brotherhood based in Lantershofen , a district of the Grafschaft municipality , whose roots can be dated back to 1492. It is under the patronage of Saint Lambert of Liège . The exclusively male members of the society must live in Lantershofen, be at least 17 years of age, be unmarried and enjoy an innocent reputation. The association has a central function for the preservation of customs and traditions within the place.

Bachelor Rifle Society
"St. Lambertus “Lantershofen
legal form Registered association
Seat Lantershofen
founding 1492: First mention of a Lantershofen rifle club.
1835: First mention of a Lantershofen bachelor club.
1927: Restructuring of the club into its current form
Patronage Saint Lambert of Liege
Board of Directors
(September 9, 2019)
Markus Fabritius
Tim Ley (Chairman)
Marco Böhm
Andreas Franzen
Felix Wistuba
Martin Goldbach
Nils Henscheid
Christian Herz
Clemens Queckenberg

History of the company

The bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen has two roots in whose tradition it sees itself. On the one hand there are the rifle brotherhoods as they emerged in the late Middle Ages as a kind of vigilante group. The first documented mention of a Lantershofen rifle, the tradition of which the society refers to today, dates back to 1492, when riflemen from Lantershofen were mentioned in the Ahrweiler city accounts as they accompanied the Corpus Christi procession in Ahrweiler . On the other hand, the bachelor clubs emerging towards the end of the early modern period were a direct precursor of today's bachelor shooting society. A first reference to this root comes from the year 1835, from which a list of three newly admitted members of the Lantershofen bachelor club has come down to us. Also from the year 1835 come a series of statutes in which the members of the bachelor club are urged to "faithfully preserve and practice the old manners and customs". At that time, the annual auction of Mailehen and the so-called “Jüra fetch” represented the most important fields of activity of the association. The tradition of “Jüra fetch”, in which at weddings of a Lantershofen girl with a groom who is not from the locality she is one of the representatives of the society Donation given by Jüra continues to this day.

Fair in Lantershofen 1957

In 1879 a company flag was consecrated with a portrait of Saint Lambert of Liège, which the company used until 1967 and which has survived to this day. The great importance that the Christian faith had for the members of the bachelor association is also evident in the fact that the association donated the pulpit in 1882 on the occasion of the construction of a new chapel in Lantershofen . From 1898 onwards, with the construction of the Lantershofener Winzerverein building, the association lost its most important source of income, the organization of the dance events on the fair days, since these have been carried out by the wineries since then. As a result, club life almost came to a standstill. In 1910 the association celebrated the 75th anniversary of the statutes of 1835 before it ceased its activities entirely in 1914 with the outbreak of World War I and the convening of the majority of its members. By 1918, 16 of the club members fell victim to the war, but as early as 1919 club life was reactivated and a waving flag was purchased for Fafa swivel competitions . The following years were characterized by the regular holding of dance events and close contact with the bachelor clubs in the surrounding towns.

In 1927, the Lantershofener bachelor club, again emphasizing the tradition of the shooting brotherhoods, was transformed into a bachelor shooting club. With the assignment of the organization of the fair assembly ball by the winegrowers' association to the bachelor shooting society, the latter had a larger source of income again. In the same year, a drum corps was also started to be trained as the club's own marching band. However, this had to be done in secret, as the training of drum and pipe corps was prohibited by the Allied Rhineland Commission , which administered the territories in the Rhineland that were temporarily occupied as a result of the Versailles Treaty . The then captain of the company, Eduard Schütz, was even sentenced to a fine of 50 Reichsmarks after the drum corps appeared at the fair because he had tolerated the formation of the drum corps. A prison sentence was only waived in view of his youth. The restructuring measures within the company came to an end in 1928 and the form and structure of the company created at that time as well as the course of the fair celebrations have remained almost unchanged since then. In the same year, despite a short-term ban imposed by the Allied Rhineland Commission, the company organized the first shooting festival .

A month and a half after the society had celebrated the 100th anniversary of the statutes of 1835 in a large festival in July 1935, it began to come under administrative pressure from the National Socialist administration. In the run-up to the rifle festival in September 1935, the company was ordered to attach swastika pennants to its company flag as a sign of identification with the goals of National Socialism. While most of the rifle brotherhoods, in the hope of being able to come to terms with the Nazi state and preserving their Christian traditional core, which is actually incompatible with the Nazi ideology, obeyed such orders, the Lantershofen riflemen bypassed them by deciding to cancel the To keep the position of the ensign of the supporting flag vacant. In 1937 the society was asked to transform itself into a Nazi shooting sports club and when the board refused to comply with this order, the society was forbidden to hold its general meeting in April 1938. In order to avoid further reprisals, it was decided to let the company rest until further notice. During the Second World War , too , a number of members of society were killed, including the ensign of the flag swivel, the secretary and the cashier of the last board of directors before the war.

The company was brought back to life as early as 1947. Due to the orders of the occupation authorities, no classic royal bird shooting was allowed to take place in September, which is why the shooting kings of 1947 and 1948 were determined by throwing a javelin at a glass bird in the hall of the Lantershofen winegrowers' association building. In 1949 and 1950, the king's bird shooting took place with a crossbow before shooting with rifles, initially Floberts , was again allowed in 1951 .

Society today

Society photo in Lantershofen Castle 2008

Today society has a central function in local club life. In addition to the Schützenfest, Kirmes and Maubichfest, the main organizers of which are the bachelorette shooters, they also take part in the implementation of the Carnival, St. Martin's Festival, the Corpus Christi procession, the May Games and the Advent market. In addition, the bachelors set up the maypole on the church forecourt every year by hand and play a key role in creating numerous other, irregular events within the town. The company sees its main tasks as defined in its statutes:

  1. to maintain real camaraderie
  2. To maintain and promote love and loyalty to the hometown of Lantershofen,
  3. to celebrate the shooting festival and the fair days in the traditional way,
  4. To practice monument protection,
  5. to cultivate march and folk music and
  6. awakening, promoting and maintaining musical understanding.

The organs of the company

General meeting

The general assembly, to which all members of the society are invited, meets at least once a year. The ordinary general assembly always takes place on April 30th. It is the highest decision-making body in society and its most important task is to elect the board of directors, flag attendants and the cash auditors. A special feature of the Lantershofen bachelor parties is that the general meeting only has a quorum if at least half of the active members of the association have appeared.


The day-to-day business of the company is managed by the management board. This includes nine posts:

  • king
  • Captain
  • 1st officer
  • 2nd officer
  • Ensign of the support flag
  • Ensign of the swivel flag
  • Drum major
  • Secretary
  • cashier

The reigning shooter king is automatically a member of the board and is the only one who is not determined by election. All other positions are elected by the members of the society at the ordinary general meeting on April 30th of the year for a period of one year. If an elected board member resigns from his position in the course of the year, the post will be provisionally filled by the board until the next general meeting. An exception to this is the captain's post, which after his departure can only be filled by an extraordinary general meeting. The posts of secretary and cashier may in exceptional cases also be taken over by other board members.

Structure and uniformity of society

Society is divided into different trains. Membership in one of these platoons is, however, in contrast to most rifle brotherhoods, not binding and the individual platoons do not represent individual associations, which leads to a lively fluctuation of the members of these platoons among each other. There are four trains:

The shooting king of 1994

Drum corps

The drum corps is the band's marching band. It is headed by a drum major who is chosen by the members of the society in an annual election. The instruments used in the drum corps include the lyre , minstrel flute, minstrel drum , fanfare , timpani and cymbals. A special feature of this train is that non-members of the society may also belong to it, provided they are male, live in Lantershofen and have reached at least the 12th year of life. Membership in the Tambour Corps represents the entry into club life for many. The minstrels' uniform consists of a green uniform jacket with green and white swallow nests , a green cap with a black peak, a white shirt with a green tie, white trousers and black leather shoes. The drum major wears a double-breasted, green tunic with green and white swallow nests, a red and white sash , a green cap with a black peak and attached red and white plume , white leather gloves, white trousers and black leather shoes. He also leads a drum major baton.

Royal link

The king member consists of only three people within the year, the rifle king and his two companions. The rifle king is determined annually as part of the Lantershofener Schützenfest by means of a shooting competition among the members of the society. The Sagittarius King can freely choose his two companions from all members of society, but it is customary that he appoints the Sagittarius King of the previous year as one of his companions. The royal member only experiences an expansion on the days of the St. Lambertus Kirmes, when the anniversary kings of the society from 25, 50 and 60 years ago, the members of the Lantershofen citizens' association and a number of guests of honor join him. The members of the royal link wear a black suit, black leather shoes, a white shirt with a silver tie, white cloth gloves and a black top hat . As a sign of office, the king wields a wooden scepter with silver fittings, the silver king's shield on a chain and the king's chain to which the silver shields donated by the last 25 marksman kings are attached. The anniversary kings also wear scepter and king's chains as their official emblems, to which the older donated silver shields are attached.

1st Officer Marching 2012

Flag group

The members of the flag group are elected annually by the members of the society. It is managed by the company's chief officer. You belong to the ensign of the carrying flag and the ensign of the swing flag, each with two companions. The uniforms of the chief officer, the ensign of the carrying flag and his companions consist of a double-breasted, green tunic, a red and white sash, white cloth gloves, white rifle trousers, black leather shoes and a green cap with a black peak and a plume attached. The plumes of the chief officer and the ensign of the carrying flag are red and white, those of the ensign's companion are colored green and white. A cockade is attached to the chief officer's cap . The chief officer also wears a lion's head saber, and the ensign's companions carry horsemen's sabers. The ensign of the supporting flag carries the company flag with him. The uniforms of the ensign of the waving flag and his companions consist of a green Attila , a red and white sash, a green junker cap with white plumes, white cloth gloves, white rifle trousers and black leather shoes. The companions of the ensign of the swivel flag carry sabers, while the swivel ensign carries the swivel flag of the company with him.

Infantry group

The infantry group is led by the club's second officer, who is determined by the members of the society by annual election. The members of this train are also called "Mösche" (sparrows). Membership in the infantry group, which has no official function outside of the festival celebrations, is often chosen by the bachelor shooters towards the end of their club life. The infantrymen wear a white shirt with a green tie, a black jacket , a green cap with a black peak, white trousers and black leather shoes. They are "armed" with wooden guns, flowers are planted on their mouths. The second officer's uniform is basically the same as that of the first officer.

Special position of the captain

As chairman of the company, the captain is not assigned to any of the four platoons. His uniform largely corresponds to that of the two officers, but he wears a white plume, a special saber with portepee and the silver captain's shield on a chain as an official sign.

Celebrations and events

Shooting festival

The Lantershofener Schützenfest traditionally takes place on the Sunday of the second weekend in September. In this context, a new shooting champion is determined from the ranks of society every year through a shooting competition. The shooter becomes the one who manages to shoot a wooden stake underneath the king bird so that the king bird falls down. In addition, a shooting competition of the Lantershofen local clubs, a shooting competition between the boards of the Lantershofen and Ahrweiler bachelor shooting clubs as well as an open shooting competition are held at the shooting festival.


The traditional Lantershofener Kirmes takes place around the third weekend in September, close to the Catholic feast day of Saint Lambert of Liège, and has been celebrated in the same way since 1927. It is the main festival of society and the only regular occasion when all of society dress up in uniform. The main days of the fair are Sunday and Monday. The fair Sunday is opened with a Holy Mass. In the afternoon there is a festive service as well as a concert, a panning and a parade in honor of the rifle king and the anniversary kings. The fair Monday is also opened by a holy mass, which is followed by a tribute to the fallen and a Festkommers . The Festkommers represents the central event of the fair days. Various political and spiritual dignitaries from the region take part in it. In the afternoon there will be a concert, a panning and a parade in honor of the rifle king and the jubilee kings. On both evenings the society organizes dance balls in the hall of the Lantershofener Winzerverein.


The Maubichfest has been held since 1968 and takes place on the Saturday and Sunday of the third weekend in July. The festival is named after the so-called Maubich cake, a yeast dough cake with a spread made from dried pears, the production of which was considered particularly typical for Lantershofen.



The currently valid version of the association's statutes was entered in the register of associations at the Koblenz District Court on October 26, 2012 and replaces the previous version from 1983.

The flags of society

The bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus "Lantershofen has four flags:

Church side of the current society flag from 1967

The current company flag is carried by the ensign of the supporting flag. It was manufactured in 1967 by the Bonner Fahnenfabrik on behalf of the company and consecrated on September 17, 1967, on the occasion of the Lantershofen fair celebrations by the pastor of the Karweiler parish, Paul Solbach. Like most rifle brotherhood flags, their cloth has an ecclesiastical and a secular side. The church side is covered with green velvet in the background . Its central theme is the Holy Lambert of Liege with crosier , Bible , Mitra and Nimbus is left of the main motif is found the word. "Bachelors Schützengesellschaft St Lambertus +" and below the image of a crossbow. To the right of the main motif is the inscription: "Lantershofen 1492–1967" and above it the image of a cross. The background of the secular side is made of white cloth. Its central motif is the coat of arms of the Counts of Blankart, who from the late Middle Ages to the early modern period maintained an aristocratic seat within the town with Lantershofen Castle, which is now the seat of the interdiocesan study house St. Lambert .

The values ​​that society refers to are depicted in circular lettering around the coat of arms: religion and virtue, hard work and diligence, cheerfulness and joke, harmony and love. All representations on the flag are depicted diagonally, but since the flag is carried upright by means of a paddock, the depicted motifs appear upright to the viewer. The flag is carried on the occasion of the Lantershofener Schützenfest and the Lantershofener Kirmes, the Corpus Christi procession of the Karweiler parish, weddings of captains of the society and funerals of former captains and marksman kings of the society.

The old company flag has not been carried by the company on public occasions since 1967, considering its age. Today it is in a showcase in the hall of the Lantershofener Winzerverein. The flag was consecrated in 1879 and its main motif depicts Saint Lambert of Liège, standing on a cloud, with a crosier, sword, miter and nimbus. There are vines on both sides of the saint . The lettering above the main motif reads: "Junggesellen-Verein 1879", the lettering below: "St. Lambertus. Lantershofen. ". In the corners of the flag, in turn, the values ​​on which society refers are depicted.

The current swivel flag is led by the ensign of the swivel flag. It was acquired by the company in 1987. The central motif of the flag is a sheaf of wheat with a scythe and rake crossed in front of it . The frame forms a wreath of grapevines. In a semicircle above the main motif is the lettering: "Junggesellen-Schützen" below the lettering "Lantershofen", on the right and left the years "1835" and "1987". In two opposite corners of the flag there are targets with two rifles crossed behind them, in the other two corners a three-leaved oak leaf . The company takes part in the Lantershofener Schützenfest, the Lantershofener Kirmes, the Maianspiel on April 30th, at weddings of club members and gold weddings within the village .

Until 1987, the society used a flag that was donated to it in 1957 by honorary members of the society. With the exception of the different foundation year 1957 instead of 1987, this flag was identical in its optical appearance to the company's current swivel flag.

Until 1957 the company used a swing flag that it had acquired in 1919. The whereabouts of this flag is unclear.

Connection to the Lantershofen Citizens' Association

The origin of the citizens' association Lantershofen lies in the royal member of the bachelor-rifle society "St. Lambertus “Lantershofen. Until the early 1950s, the members who left the society through marriage joined the royal member as so-called honorary members on the fair days. Since the number of honorary members increased sharply due to the membership development of the society, the financial burden for the Schützenkönig, who paid for their entertainment on the fair Monday, also increased. For this reason, the honorary members decided to support the Schützenkönig financially. Over time, this group developed a solid association structure and became the Lantershofen Citizens' Association. The central task of this association, which today has more than 250 members, is still to support the work of the Lantershofen bachelor parties.

Connection to the Ahrweiler shooting range

The Lantershofen bachelors shooters traditionally maintain particularly close relationships with the Ahrweiler citizen and bachelor shooters . The Lantershofen and Ahrweiler bachelor parties even refer to each other as brother societies. The board members of the Lantershofener bachelor shooters take part as guests of honor at the Ahrweiler Patronatsfest and Schützenfest, the Ahrweiler board members at the Lantershofener Schützenfest and the fair. A shooting competition is held annually at the Lantershofener Schützenfest between the Lantershofen and Ahrweiler stag shooters.

The bun girl

Another support group of the bachelor shooters are the so-called "bun girls". You take over the catering at the Festkommers on the fair Monday and support the society in organizing the Maubich Festival, the Advent market and the setting up of the maypole. The “Brötchesmädche” do not have a fixed club structure or list of members, but are invited every year by the reigning Schützenkönig. Its exclusively female members must be at least 16 years of age, be unmarried and live in Lantershofen. On the occasion of the festivities on the Monday of the fair, the “bread girls” wear white blouses and aprons as well as black skirts.

List of marksman kings

1928 Franz Mombauer
1929 Christoph Dünker
1930 Jakob Krämer
1931 Toni Fuchs
1932 Alois Krupp
1933 Adolf Langen
1934 Richard Klaes
1935 Josef Gorres
1936 Peter Münch
1937 Lorenz Schneider
- no marksman kings -
1947 Heinz Bach
1948 Herbert Hergarten
1949 Alois Franzen
1950 Leo caps
1951 Josef Franconia
1952 Horst Schierack
1953 Willi Buchholz
1954 Hermann-Josef Efferz
1955 Werner Efferz
1956 Heinz Dünker
1957 Heinz Ley
1958 Josef Drodten
1959 Walter Mombauer
1960 Herbert Wronka
1961 Richard Fuchs
1962 Hans Rick
1963 Norbert Muth
1964 Erich Klaes
1965 Hans-Walter Bender
1966 Otto Kramer
1967 Wilfried Winand
1968 Gerhard Bertram
1969 Bruno Winand
1970 Günter Görgen
1971 Heinz Schütz
1972 Gerhard Schaaf
1973 Heinz Bach
1974 Ewald Röder
1975 Reinhard Schütz
1976 Franz-Peter Efferz
1977 Karl-Josef Scholl
1978 Thomas Schaaf
1979 Erich Althammer
1980 Klaus-Peter Efferz
1981 Helmut caps
1982 Karl-Heinz Ley
1983 Hans-Peter Steinborn
1984 Rolf Franzen
1985 Werner Assenmacher
1986 Leo Kramer
1987 Rolf Ahrend
1988 Helmut Kuttig
1989 Uli Ley
1990 Peter-Josef Schütz
1991 Thomas Granken
1992 Uli Doll
1993 Lothar Krämer
1994 Stefan Fabritius
1995 Ralf Münch
1996 Markus Gansewig
1997 Werner Braun
1998 Karl-Heinz Schweinheim
1999 Markus Jueris
2000 Gregor Winand
2001 Jörg Bender
2002 Tibor Bender
2003 Mario Fuchs
2004 Christian Althammer
2005 Bernd Knieps
2006 Frank Wieners
2007 Roman caps
2008 Thomas Hergarten
2009 Johannes caps
2010 Andreas Althammer
2011 Marco Schmidt
2012 Manuel Efferz
2013 Dominik Knieps
2014 Benedict Queckenberg
2015 Marco Boehm
2016 Robin Grießel
2017 Benedict Fabritius
2018 Matthias Schopp
2019 Markus Fabritius

List of captains

1928-1950 Eduard Schütz
1950-1951 Paul Bender
1951-1956 Alfons Bender
1956-1957 Josef Franconia
1957-1966 Otto Kramer
1966 Matti Jueris
1966 Otto Kramer
1966-1969 Bruno Winand
1969-1975 Reinhard Schütz
1975-1979 Erich Althammer
1979-1981 Heinz Schütz
1981-1984 Rolf Franzen
1984-1987 Hubert Münch
1987-1988 Helmut Kuttig
1988-1990 Peter-Josef Schütz
1990-1993 Uli Ley
1993-1995 Michael Huff
1995-1997 Werner Braun
1997-1999 Markus Jueris
1999-2001 Jörg Bender
2001-2005 Bernd Knieps
2005-2008 Mario Fuchs
2008-2010 Andreas Althammer
2010-2013 Dominik Knieps
2013-2016 Robin Grießel
2016-2019 Johannes Schütz
since 2019 Tim Ley



  • Book of Kings of the Bachelor Rifle Society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen.
  • Annual reports of the secretary of the bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen.
  • Jura book of the bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen.
  • Minutes of the general meetings of the bachelor-rifle society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen.
  • Board book of the bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen.


  • Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the bachelor shooting society St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978 ( online [accessed May 18, 2015]).
  • Citizens' Association Lantershofen e. V. (Ed.): Village in time. 50 years of the Lantershofen Citizens' Association . Lantershofen 2001 ( online [accessed on May 18, 2015] Volume 1).
  • Citizens' Association Lantershofen e. V. (Ed.): Village in time. 60 years of the Lantershofen Citizens' Association and 10 years of . Lantershofen 2011 ( online [accessed on May 18, 2015] Volume 2).
  • Stefan Dünker: About small differences and big things in common . In: St. Laurentius Junggesellen-Schützengesellschaft Ahrweiler e. V. (Ed.): 1612 2012 Festschrift. 400 years of St. Laurentius bachelor shooting society . Ahrweiler 2012, p. 74-77 .
  • Eduard Schütz: My home - 2000 years in Lantershofen. Festschrift for the celebration of the bachelor shooting society . Lantershofen 1935 ( online [accessed May 18, 2015]).
  • Peter-Josef Schütz: Connected to tradition. Bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen celebrates its 500th anniversary . In: District administration Ahrweiler (Ed.): Heimatjahrbuch 1992 Kreis Ahrweiler . Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler 1992, p. 123–126 ( online [accessed May 18, 2015]).

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ Eduard Schütz: My home - 2000 years Lantershofen . Festschrift for the celebration of the bachelor shooting society. Lantershofen 1935, p. 15 .
  3. a b c d e f Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the bachelor shooting society St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978, p. 14 .
  4. a b c d e Peter-Josef Schütz: Linked to tradition. Bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen celebrates its 500th anniversary . In: District administration Ahrweiler (Ed.): Heimatjahrbuch 1992 Kreis Ahrweiler . Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler 1992, p. 123 .
  5. ^ Eduard Schütz: My home - 2000 years Lantershofen . Festschrift for the celebration of the bachelor shooting society. Lantershofen 1935, p. 25 .
  6. a b Eduard Schütz: My home - 2000 years Lantershofen . Festschrift for the celebration of the bachelor shooting society. Lantershofen 1935, p. 26 .
  7. a b c d e f g Eduard Schütz: My home - 2000 years Lantershofen . Festschrift for the celebration of the bachelor shooting society. Lantershofen 1935, p. 27 .
  8. ^ Eduard Schütz: My home - 2000 years Lantershofen . Festschrift for the celebration of the bachelor shooting society. Lantershofen 1935, p. 21 .
  9. a b c Peter-Josef Schütz: Linked to tradition. Bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen celebrates its 500th anniversary . In: District administration Ahrweiler (Ed.): Heimatjahrbuch 1992 Kreis Ahrweiler . Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler 1992, p. 124 .
  10. a b Eduard Schütz: My home - 2000 years Lantershofen . Festschrift for the celebration of the bachelor shooting society. Lantershofen 1935, p. 28 .
  11. a b c Eduard Schütz: My home - 2000 years Lantershofen . Festschrift for the celebration of the bachelor shooting society. Lantershofen 1935, p. 30 .
  12. Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the bachelor shooting society St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978, p. 15 .
  13. Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the bachelor shooting society St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978, p. 4 .
  14. a b c Peter-Josef Schütz: Linked to tradition. Bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen celebrates its 500th anniversary . In: District administration Ahrweiler (Ed.): Heimatjahrbuch 1992 Kreis Ahrweiler . Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler 1992, p. 125 .
  15. ^ Book of the board of directors of the Bachelors Shooting Society "St. Lambertus “Lantershofen.
  16. Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the bachelor shooting society St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978, p. 28 .
  17. Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the bachelor shooting society St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978, p. 20 .
  18. Peter-Josef Schütz: Linked to tradition. Bachelor shooting society “St. Lambertus “Lantershofen celebrates its 500th anniversary . In: District administration Ahrweiler (Ed.): Heimatjahrbuch 1992 Kreis Ahrweiler . Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler 1992, p. 126 .
  19. a b Stefan Dünker: About small differences and big similarities . In: St. Laurentius Junggesellen-Schützengesellschaft Ahrweiler e. V. (Ed.): 1612 2012 Festschrift. 400 years of St. Laurentius bachelor shooting society . Ahrweiler 2012, p. 74 .
  20. Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the bachelor shooting society St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978, p. 21 .
  21. a b Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the Bachelor Schützengesellschaft St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978, p. 26 .
  22. Articles of Association (PDF) "St.Lambertus" Lantershofen Association of Stagmen Schützen eV October 26, 2012. Accessed on May 29, 2019.
  23. Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the bachelor shooting society St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978, p. 25 .
  24. Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the bachelor shooting society St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978, p. 4 .
  25. Erich Althammer: Festschrift of the bachelor shooting society St. Lambertus Lantershofen 1492. 1928–1978 . Lantershofen 1978, p. 23 .
  26. News. In: Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  27. News. In: Retrieved September 9, 2019 .
  28. ^ JSG Lantershofen: Bachelor Schützen-Gesellschaft St. Lambertus Lantershofen. (No longer available online.) In: Archived from the original on January 1, 2017 ; accessed on January 1, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  29. jsg: captains. In: Junggesellen-Schützen-Gesellschaft "St. Lambertus Lantershofen" eV Accessed on June 13, 2019 (German).