Kamran Pasha

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Kamran Pasha (born April 3, 1972 in Karachi , Pakistan ) is an American screenwriter , director and writer based in Hollywood . One of his most famous works is the novel Aisha and Mohammed , which describes the work of the prophet and the beginnings of Islam .


Pasha immigrated at the age of three years with his family in the United States, where he in the New York district of Brooklyn was growing up. After attending Stuyvesant High School, he moved to Dartmouth College in 1989 , where he majored in Comparative Religions . At the same time he was also the editor of the college newspaper. After graduating, he worked as a journalist on Wall Street , interviewing international politicians such as Shimon Peres , Benazir Bhutto and Alberto Fujimori . In 1996 he finished his journalistic career and went to Cornell Law School, where he graduated in 2000.

He only worked as a lawyer for a major law firm for a short time before moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the film business. He attended the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television and finished his studies in 2003.

Work and works

After his first work on the remake of the series The Twilight Zone , he was involved in several films and series as a writer and film producer . The short-lived series Sleeper Cell , Bionic Woman and Kings belong to his list of producers. After all, he was nominated for the Golden Globe and the Emmy for best miniseries for Sleeper Cell .

In 2008, he wrote a video game for hip-hop singer 50 Cent called 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand . In the same year he accompanied his mother on the Hajj , the traditional pilgrimage to Mecca .

In addition to all of this, he also found time to write two historical novels, the first of which, Mother of the Believers, tells the story of Islam and the second is about the Crusades.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Pasha Nationmaster: Kamran Pasha Retrieved February 2, 2013 from nationmaster.com (English)
  2. List of works by Kamran Pasha on: imdb.com