Karl-Eduard Berron

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Karl-Eduard Berron (born January 13, 1898 in Strasbourg , † June 22, 1983 in Filderstadt ) was a German Protestant pastor in Alsace and Swabia .


Karl-Eduard Berron studied theology at the University of Strasbourg. There he became a member of the Christian student union Argentina in Strasbourg in 1916 in the Wingolfsbund .

From 1922 to 1945 he was pastor in Alsace; first in Tieffenbach and from 1935 in Oberhofen an der Moder . In addition, he was President of the Lützelstein Consistory from 1933 to 1935 and Dean of the Hagenau Deanery from 1942 to 1945 . In 1940 he was arrested and initially taken to Cognac. From there he was deported to Angoulème . He stayed with Pastor Arthur Bach, who had been evacuated from Saargemünd, and had to report weekly. After the invasion of the Wehrmacht, he returned to Oberhofen. In 1945 he was brought across the Rhine to Germany by an SS "Frundsberg" division. In January 1947 he was arrested by the American occupation forces in Kemnat and, after a short imprisonment, extradited to Strasbourg. When put on trial there, the court said he was deprived of his civil rights for life and he was banned from settling in the departments of Bas-Rhin , Haut Rhin , Moselle and the Territoire de Belfort . Berron did not comment on the reasons for his conviction. On the mediation of the church president of the Protestant Church of the Augsburg Confession of Alsace and Lorraine, Robert Hœpffner , he was deported to Germany in March 1947 and released. From 1947 until his retirement in 1964 he worked as a pastor in Kemnat in Swabia .

In March 1966 he was one of the signatories of the founding appeal of the Notgemeinschaft Evangelischer Deutscher (later: Evangelical Notgemeinschaft in Germany ) and in September 1966 one of the seven founding members in the course of the official registration as a registered association. The association was founded as a direct counter-reaction to the so-called "Eastern Memorandum", with which the Evangelical Church in Germany triggered a controversial discussion within the church as well as in society as a whole and ultimately prepared the Warsaw Treaty. In the early days, Berron served as the managing director and his private address in Bernhausen served as the office.

In addition, Berron was one of the 39 participants in the First Church Week in Alpirsbach, initiated by the Tübingen church music director Richard Gölz in 1933, and was also continuously on site at the subsequent events. The Alpirsbach Church Work Foundation, which is still active today, emerged from this series of events .


  • Rolf Sauerzapf (Ed.): Upright between the fronts. Thank you f. Karl Eduard Berron z. 75th birthday , 1972.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Verband Alter Wingolfiten eV (Ed.): Vademecum Wingolfiticum , 17th edition, Lahr / Schwarzwald 1974, p. 97.
  2. tieffenbach.fr : Les pasteurs de Tieffenbach , accessed on June 18, 2015.
  3. ^ Gisa Bauer: Evangelical Movement and Evangelical Church in the Federal Republic of Germany. History of a fundamental conflict (1945 to 1989) , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2012, p. 723.
  4. ^ Chronicle of the Argentina student union in Strasbourg i. E. 1907-1967, page 275 Berron, Karl Eduard
  5. Gisa Bauer: ibid., P. 568f.
  6. Stuttgart District Court, VR 2032, quoted from: antifascist press archive and education center berlin ev: Evangelische Notgemeinschaft in Deutschland eV - extended , accessed: June 18, 2015.
  7. Gisa Bauer: ibid., P. 568.
  8. Apple and Rute , in: Der Spiegel, 48/1967, p. 74.
  9. From week to week , in: Das Ostpreußenblatt, 17th volume, volume 18, from April 30, 1966, p. 2.
  10. Joachim Conrad: Richard Gölz (1887-1975): the service in the mirror of his life , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1997, p. 311.
  11. Joachim Conrad: Liturgy as art and play: the church work Alpirsbach 1933-2003 , volume 8 of the series Heidelberg studies on practical theology , LIT-Verlag, Berlin, 2003, pp. 259-277.