Karl-Heinz Nassmacher

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Karl-Heinz Nassmacher

Karl-Heinz Naßmacher (born February 20, 1941 in Danzig ) is a German political scientist . In 1975 he was appointed professor of political science at the University of Oldenburg , where he researched and taught until his retirement in 2008. His main research interests are in the areas of western democracies , local politics and political parties (especially party funding ).


After graduating from high school in Krefeld (1960), Naßmacher studied banking, economics, law and political science at the University of Cologne and the Pennsylvania State University . In 1965 he received the academic degree of a business graduate from the University of Cologne. Two years later he received his doctorate, also at the University of Cologne. Dissertation topic: “The Austrian system of government”.

After positions as a research assistant at the University of Cologne (1965–1968) he was at the Heimvolkshochschule Bergneustadt of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (1969–71) as well as the PH Rhineland, Dept. Wuppertal (1971–1972) and the Social Academy Dortmund ( 1972–1975) until he was appointed to the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in 1975. In 1982 he was a visiting professor at the University of Salzburg .

As an expert he was in the commission of inquiry “Municipal Constitutional Law” of the Lower Saxony state parliament (1991–94), as a member of the party financing commission appointed by Federal President Herzog (1995–99) and as chairman of the research committee “Political Finance and Political Corruption “ Of the International Political Science Association (1994–2000).

Naßmacher was married to Hiltrud Naßmacher .


Only the most important publications are listed here. A detailed list can be found on the website of the Carl von Ossietzky University (see web link).

  • The Austrian system of government in Cologne (Westdeutscher Verlag) 1968; without ISBN.
  • Democratization of the European Communities Bonn (Europa Union Verlag) 1972; without ISBN.
  • Political Science I Düsseldorf (Werner Verlag) 3rd edition 1977; ISBN 3-8041-2712-6 .
  • Political Science II Düsseldorf (Werner Verlag) 2nd edition 1974; ISBN 3-8041-2714-2 .
  • Local politics and social democracy Bonn-Bad Godesberg (Verlag Neue Gesellschaft) 1977; ISBN 3-87831-237-7 .
  • Parties in decline. Re-establishment and decline of the peasant and bourgeois parties in Lower Saxony Opladen (Westdeutscher Verlag) 1989; ISBN 3-531-12084-0
  • Citizens finance election campaigns in Baden-Baden (Nomos Verlag) 1992; ISBN 3-7890-2760-X .
  • Banks in Germany Opladen (Leske + Budrich) 1998 (with Heinrich vom Stein, Hans-E. Büschgen and others); ISBN 978-3-8100-1696-6 .
  • Foundations for Democracy Baden-Baden (Nomos Verlag) 2001; ISBN 3-7890-7340-7 .
  • Local politics in Germany Opladen (Leske + Budrich) 2nd edition 2007 (with Hiltrud Naßmacher ); ISBN 978-3-531-15211-0 .
  • Sustainable economic policy in parliamentary democracy. The British example Wiesbaden (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften) 2009 (with Hiltrud Naßmacher); ISBN 978-3-531-16376-5 .
  • The Funding of Party Competition Baden-Baden (Nomos Verlag), 2009; ISBN 978-3-8329-4271-7 .

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