Karl-Peter Fritzsche

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Karl-Peter Fritzsche (born February 23, 1950 in Düsseldorf ) is a German political scientist .


After successfully passing his Abitur examination in Düsseldorf, he began studying political science, sociology and psychology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) in 1970 . Inspired by the Frankfurt School and his critical attitude towards injustice, injustice and discrimination, he received his doctorate in 1976 on the subject of “Theory of Alienation”. In 1987 he did his habilitation thesis on the "political culture of Italy".


From 1978 to 1993 Fritzsche worked in research (until 1988) and was a research assistant at the University of Braunschweig , even though he was a lecturer at the University of Hamburg from 1990 to 1991 . From 1991 to 1993 he taught at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and since 1993 has held the first UNESCO chair for human rights education in Germany, which was established at the Institute for Political Science at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

He decided to do this teaching because of “[…] anger, knowledge, hope and contacts: anger about circumstances in which people treat others in a degrading manner, knowledge about the possibility of being protected by law, the hope, people about their rights and to clarify responsibility and finally: long-term working contacts with UNESCO ”, as he said in an interview with Amnesty International . He has also taught in Braunschweig (Germany), Connecticut (USA), La Matenza (Universidad Nacional de La Matenza / Argentina), Perugia (Italy), Rome (Free University St. Pius V / Italy) and the University of Utrecht (Netherlands) ).

In addition to his teaching activities, Fritzsche is also a corresponding member of the German UNESCO Commission e. V. Furthermore, he supports doctoral scholarships for the image science colloquium in the field of image science at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg. Fritzsche is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte .

Research priorities

Fritzsche supplemented his research focus on human rights / human rights education , prejudice , social stress theory , and the transformation of political cultures with courses on topics such as xenophobia , fascism and fundamentalism .

In his book Die Stressgesellschaft (Munich 1998) Fritzsche tries to draw attention to the problems, causes and circumstances of the stress society. The term stress includes a disproportion between “world and individual, society and citizens”. Too high a potential for stress and demands comes up against too little competence and resources. This leads to stress , a fearful feeling of being overwhelmed . Although there has always been social stress, Fritzsche sees a blatant turning point in 1989 with the reunification.

The unknown increasing demands on individuals in the individualization process also increase the risk that those individuals will be overwhelmed. They then perceive potential relief as a burden. It even goes so far that “freedom itself becomes stress”.

“The concept of stress is critical”. It aims at two aspects: on the one hand against excessive demands and overuse, on the other hand against a lack of resources and skills among the citizens.

After a brief introduction, the first chapter deals with the terminological and theoretical foundation of his topic. The next chapter deals with the framework conditions for changes in which citizens can feel overwhelmed. The next chapter deals with three examples with which overburdened citizens try to save themselves from stress. The next chapter deals with the stress that migrants are exposed to when trying to integrate. The following chapter deals with the stress in which East Germans got with reunification. The next chapter deals with the typical stress status of young people as well as with the time-characteristic stress. In the last chapter Fritzsche presents a program and a vision “From a stressful to a learning society”.



  • The stress society. Munich 1998, ISBN 3466304628 .
  • Human rights. An introduction with documents. - 3rd, expanded and updated edition, 2016. - (UTB: Political Science, Law, History; No. 2437) - Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn 2016 - ISBN 978-3-8385-4487-8 , 412 pp.


  • Peace - a subject in European school history books. Hildesheim 1992, ISBN 3487096234 .
  • School books put to the test - Perspectives for school book research and evaluation in Europe. Frankfurt 1992, ISBN 3883042757 .
  • Dealing with "strangers". Hanover 1997 (together with Manfred Hartung), ISBN 3883042919 .
  • Peace and democracy. Baden-Baden 1998 (together with Frank Hörnlein)
  • Human rights between aspiration and reality. Würzburg 2000 (together with Georg Lohmann), ISBN 3933563534 .
  • Farnen, R. Fritzsche, KP et.al. (eds): Tolerance in Transition. Oldenburg 2000


  • Does anti-Semitism have a chance? in: Contemporary Studies 3/87
  • Terrorism in the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy. Legacy of the 1968 movement or burden of fascism? in: UNIVERSITAS October 1988
  • Terrorism in the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy. In: Terrorism and Political Violence 3/89
  • Can't we do without prejudice? in: Internationale Schulbuchforschung 4/89
  • NATO in History and Civics Textbooks: the West German Case. in: International Textbook Research 1/1990
  • Multicultural society - a topic in German school books? in: Internationale Schulbuchforschung 3/1990
  • Peace models instead of enemy images? in: Loccumer Protocols 30/90
  • Germania, nazione inattesa. in: Politica ed Economia 12/90
  • Human Rights in German Textbooks. in: Internationale Schulbuchforschung 4/1990
  • Corruption: The Result of Hidden Impacts of Political Socialization Agencies? in: Zoltan Bekes u. a. (Ed.): Hidden Tendencies and Unintentional Impacts in the Function of Political Socialization Agencies. , Budapest 1992
  • Xenophobia - a Problem of Human Rights Education. in: International Textbook Research 1/1992
  • Multiperspectivity - an educational response to the multicultural society. In: PÄDEXTRA 11/1992
  • Multiperspectivity - a strategy against dogmatism and prejudice. in: Michael Byram (Ed.): Germany - its representation in English textbooks for German lessons , Frankfurt 1993.
  • The new fear of freedom. (together with H. Knepper). in: From Politics and Contemporary History - Supplement to Parliament, 33/93
  • School books against xenophobia - a German-German teacher survey. in: International Textbook Research 2/93.
  • Human rights after the collapse of state socialism. in: Human Rights and Human Rights Education in the Process of Transition to Democracy. European Information Center of Charles University (Ed.) Praha 1993
  • La rencontre avant la rencontre. in: Pour une pedagogie des echanges, Le francais dans le monde. 2-3 / 94.
  • Conditions for Xenophobia in Eastern Germany. in: Russel F. Farnen (Ed.), Cross-National Perspectives on Nationality, Identity, and Ethnicity, New Brunswick - London 1994
  • Human rights education and textbook design. in: International Textbook Research 2/1994
  • Human rights education - a contribution to political and historical education. in: Political Education 2/94
  • The new urgency of tolerance. in: Yearbook German as a Foreign Language, Volume 20, Munich 1994
  • Citizens Under Stress - An Approach to Explaining Xenophobia. In: Responsibility in a confusing world. Tasks of value-oriented political education, series of publications by the Federal Agency for Political Education, Volume 331, Bonn 1995
  • Tolerance in transition. In: From politics and contemporary history, supplement to the parliament, 43/95
  • Europe in the textbook. In: Does Europe make school? Pingel, F. (Ed.), Frankfurt 1995
  • Multiperspectivity - a key democratic competence. in: Bizeul, Y., Bliesener, Prawda, M. (Eds.), Dealing with the Stranger, Weinheim 1996
  • Stress Society and Xenophobia. in: Bizeul, Y., Biesener, Prawda, M. (Eds.), Dealing with the Stranger, Weinheim 1996
  • Identities in a united Germany. in: Borders and Ambivalences, Becher, UA (Ed.) Frankfurt / M. 1996.
  • Social stress - a new explanation for intolerance. in: Tolerance in Transition, Fritzsche, KP, Irwin, C. (eds.) Hampshire 1997
  • Multiperspectivity - a key democratic competence. in: Bizeul, Y., Bliesener, Prawda, M. (Ed.): Dealing with the Stranger, Weinheim 1996.
  • Human rights and social stress. in: Human Rights and the Political Foundation for a Democratic Consciousness, Trimarchi, M. (Ed.) Rome 1996.
  • Zestresowany obywatel - proba wyjasniennia zjawiska ksenofobii. in: Prace Nauokowe - Pedagogika 2/97.
  • School books are (not) a dead end - a German-German school survey on xenophobia and school books. together with: Prokop, K., Schneider, B., Schuster, K., in: Fritzsche, KP, Hartung, M. (Ed.): How to deal with “strangers”. Hanover 1997.
  • Tolerance Competence - About the chance to learn tolerance. in: Ethics and Social Sciences. Dispute forum for culture of consideration, 4/1997.
  • Prejudice and underlying assumptions. In: Selander, S. (Ed.): Textbooks and Educational Media, Oslo 1997.
  • Fundamentalism and Tolerance in Multicultural Societies. in: Fritzsche / Hörnlein (ed.): Peace and Democracy, Baden-Baden 1998.
  • The contribution of tolerance education to the tolerance culture. in: Culture of Peace - A New UNESCO Project for the Preservation of World Peace (Ed. German UNESCO Commission) 1998.
  • Human rights education with school books. In: Report on Political Education 3/98
  • Human rights and tolerance education for the "children of freedom". in: Innovative Approaches to Improving Human Rights Education in Schools, European Center for Peace Studies (Ed.), Stadtschlaining 1998
  • Citizens under stress - an explanation for xenophobia. in: International Psychology Reporter, Vol. 2, No. 1/98
  • Human Rights Education - A guide to depicting human rights in textbooks and in the classroom. (together with Peter Weinbrenner), German UNESCO Commission (ed.), Bonn 1998
  • Tolerance and solidarity. in: Handbook on Political Education (Ed. Mickel, W.) Bonn 1999.
  • About the ease of intolerance. in: Report on Political Education 1/1999.
  • Tolerance competence. in: Handbook of social work with child refugees, Woge e. V./Institute for Social Work (Ed.) Münster 1999.
  • Xenophobia. in: Handbook of social work with child refugees, Woge e. V./Institute for Social Work (Ed.) Münster 1999.
  • Human rights education as prevention against right-wing extremism. in: Fritzsche / Lohmann (eds.): Human rights between claim and reality, Würzburg 2000
  • Fundamentalism - a challenge for multicultural societies. in: Farnen, R. Fritzsche, KP et.al. (eds) Tolerance in Transition, Oldenburg 2000

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