Karl Albrecht Wiedeburg

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Karl Albrecht Wiedeburg (born October 9, 1788 in Helmstedt ; † January 12, 1812 ibid) was a German teacher , natural scientist and physician .


Karl Albrecht Wiedeburg was born in Helmstedt in 1788 as the son of the pedagogue Friedrich August Wiedeburg , whose pedagogy he attended. He developed a penchant for natural sciences at an early age, which he continued to pursue after graduating from Helmstedt School. In 1805 he switched to studying anatomy at the Brunswick Collegium Carolinum . From 1806 he studied medicine, philosophy , philology and mathematics at the University of Helmstedt , where he became a member of the philosophical seminar and the German society. Wiedeburg became a teacher at the Helmstedter Pedagogy in November 1806, where he taught Latin, geography and natural history. In 1809 he was promoted to Dr. med. , Subsequent to doctor of philosophy PhD . He then deepened his studies at the University of Göttingen . He returned to his hometown, resumed teaching there and at the same time ran a medical practice. In 1811, Wiedeburg was appointed professor of natural history at the Lyceum in Warsaw . He could no longer take up this activity because he became seriously ill and died in Helmstedt in January 1812 at the age of 23.
