Karl Borinski

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Karl Borinski (born June 11, 1861 in Kattowitz ; † January 12, 1922 in Munich ) was a German philologist and literary historian .


Karl Borinsky was on 11 June 1861 to the German Reich belonging county Bytom born as the son of a Jewish merchant Ludwig Borinsky.

After attending school in Katowice, Borinski began studying German and history at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin a. a. with Wilhelm Scherer , Karl Müllenhoff , Heinrich von Treitschke and Gustav Droysen . In 1881 he moved to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. The following year Borinski converted to Christianity .

In 1883 he did his doctorate under Michael Bernays , on "The Art of the Renaissance" in the poetics of Martin Opitz . In 1894 Borinski completed his habilitation on “The Court Poetry of the 17th Century”, whereupon he taught at the Ludwig Maximilians University first as a private lecturer and from 1905 as an associate professor for modern literary history . From 1917 he was an extraordinary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . Richard Benz , Ernst Jaeckh and Richard Newald count among his students .

Karl Borinski died in Munich on January 12, 1922.

Research and work

In addition to the entire history of German literature, Borinski's focal points included poetics , aesthetics and linguistic aspects of literature.

He paid particular attention to the work of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing . Borinski collaborated on the complete edition of Lessing's works, edited by Julius Petersen and Waldemar von Olshausen, and edited volume 17 together with Alfred Schöne .

In 1921 Borinski's two-volume work on the “ History of German Literature ” was published, the first volume being devoted to the presentation of the earliest beginnings of the Germanic prehistory up to the 18th century, and the second volume being devoted to the time from Sturm und Drang to the present day .

Major works

  • The poetics of the Renaissance and the beginnings of literary criticism in Germany , 1886
  • Deutsche Poetik , 1895 ( digitized and full text in the German Text Archive ), 4th edition 1916
  • The theater. Its essence, its history, its masters. Published by BG Teubner, Leipzig 1899.
  • Lessing , 2 volumes, 1900
  • The ancient world in poetics and art theory from the beginning of classical antiquity to Goethe and Wilhelm von Humboldt. , 2 parts, Leipzig 1914-24, part 2 edited by Richard Newald
  • History of German Literature , 2 volumes, 1921


  • Franz Muncker: Nekrolog für Karl Borinski , yearbook of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences 1922/23.
  • Richard Newald: Karl Borinski , German Biographical Yearbook, 4th volume: The year 1922. Stuttgart 1929.
  • Richard Newald:  Borinski, Karl. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 2, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1955, ISBN 3-428-00183-4 , p. 463 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Wikisource: Karl Borinski  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Member entry by Karl Borinski at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences , accessed on December 26, 2016.