Karl Christoph Hofacker

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Karl Christoph Hofacker

Karl Christoph Hofacker (often also Carl Christoph Hofacker ; born February 26, 1749 in Böhringsweiler ; † April 20, 1793 in Tübingen ) was a German lawyer and university professor .


Hofacker was the son of the chamberlain Carl Ferdinand Hofacker. He quickly learned to write and read. In Neuenstadt am Kocher he got his first education and learned the Latin language. After his father was transferred to Lauffen am Neckar , he received his further education there, which, however, did not have the necessary level. Therefore Hofacker was sent back to his teacher in Neuenstadt. In 1762 he was able to move into the illustrious grammar school in Stuttgart, where his uncle was rector at the time.

Hofacker went to the University of Tübingen in 1766 after his final exam, which he passed very well . There he devoted himself to studying philosophy as well as studying law. After a prolonged fever he went to the University of Göttingen in 1768 , where he continued his law studies. 1771 he was there with the dissertation De originibus et fatis successionis ex jure primogeniturae in familiis illustribus Germaniae for doctor of law doctorate . At the same time he received the Venia Legendi and then taught pandects, natural, international and general constitutional law at the Göttingen University. He also gave Count Heinrich LII. Reuss legal revision courses. On the mediation of Johann Stephan Pütter he became an employee of the Göttingen Scholars Ads .

Hofacker was after the death of Eberhard Christoph Canz 1773 as a full professor and real württembergischer advice to the University of Tübingen appointed . There he initially held the fifth professorship and gradually moved up to the second professorship. In 1779/1780 he was also rector of the university . He also became a professor at the Tübingen Collegium illustrious in 1783 .

He rejected calls from the universities of Göttingen , Halle , Helmstedt , Mainz and Rostock .

He died of typhus . His death was mourned with great sympathy.

Works (selection)

  • De originibus et fatis successionis ex iure primogeniturae in familiis illustribus Germaniae , Hagen, Erfurt 1774.
  • Elementa Iuris civilis Romanorum , Göttingen 1784.
  • Principia Iuris Civilis Romano-Germanici. , 3 volumes, Cotta, Tübingen 1788–1798.
  • Opuscula iuridica , Stuttgart 1804.


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