Karl Dyckerhoff

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Karl Dyckerhoff (born January 14, 1825 in Mannheim , † February 22, 1893 in Karlsruhe ) was a German civil engineer .

Karl Dyckerhoff, son of the building officer Jacob Friedrich Dyckerhoff , attended the Lyceum in Mannheim. He studied from 1842 to 1847 at the Karlsruhe Polytechnic , where he joined the Teutonia fraternity . In the following two years he became a Baueleve in Achern and Bühl . In 1850 Dyckerhoff passed his exam and started building churches .

From 1852 to 1857 he was in charge of the construction of the Constance Minster . After the death of Johann Ludwig Weinbrenner , Dyckerhoff temporarily headed the Baden-Baden district building inspection . From 1859 he headed the district building inspection in Mannheim and from 1879 that in Karlsruhe. In 1881 he was appointed building officer.

The greatest achievements of Dyckerhoff were the decoration of the palace square in Karlsruhe with candelabras and fountains, the systems of the grand ducal court waterworks in Karlsruhe Hardtwald , the construction of the St. Galluskirche in Ladenburg , the palace church in Pforzheim , the palace of Count Douglas in Karlsruhe, the church in Deutschneureut and the grand ducal customs building in Karlsruhe.


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume II: Artists. Winter, Heidelberg 2018, ISBN 978-3-8253-6813-5 , pp. 154–155.
  • G. Kirschner: Directory of members of the Karlsruhe Burschenschaft Teutonia. 1966.
  • Karl Philipp Dyckerhoff. In: Friedrich von Weech (Ed.): Badische Biographien . Volume 5. 1891-1901 . Heidelberg 1906, p. 127 ( E-Text ), according to the obituary in the Karlsruher Zeitung No. 180 of July 4, 1893.