Karl Ehregott Andreas Mangelsdorf

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Karl Ehregott Andreas Mangelsdorf (born May 16, 1748 in Dresden , † August 28, 1802 in Königsberg (Prussia) ) was a German educator, rhetorician and historian.


The son of a respected master tailor had attended the electoral state school in Pforta since March 26, 1763 . In 1768 he began studies at the University of Leipzig and in 1770 moved to the University of Halle , where he obtained the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy under Christian Adolph Klotz in 1770. In Halle he began to give private lectures on literature and history. In 1772 he got in touch with Johann Bernhard Basedow , whose elementary works he sought to translate into Latin, and became a teacher at the Dessau Philanthropinum .

Since he had fallen out with Basedow, he returned to Halle in 1777 as a private lecturer. In 1782 he was transferred to the University of Königsberg as Professor of Rhetoric and History by the Minister Karl Abraham von Zedlitz . In this capacity he also took part in the organizational tasks of the Königsberg University and became rector of the Alma Mater in the summer semesters of 1794 and 1800 .

After working for twenty years in Königsberg, he died, leaving a widow with twelve children.


  • Hero and Leander, a prosaic poem. Leipzig 1769
  • Diss. De Magistro memoriae ad illustrandam notitiam dignitatum utriusque imperii dissertatio antiquaria. Hall 1770
  • Diss. De jurejurando per gladium. Hall 1770
  • To the privy councilor Klotz on his 32nd birthday. Hall 1770
  • Diss. De consacramentalium orgine non Germanica. Hall 1771
  • Vita et memoria Chr. Ad. Klotzii. Hall 1772
  • Libri elementaris pars prima, s. prima educationis elementa tradita a Bernhardo Basedovio, in latinum sermonem translata. Hall 1772
  • Chr. Ad. Klotzii opuscula philological et oratoria edita. Hall 1772
  • Scriptures for the education of the heart and the mind. Leipzig 1772
  • Miscellanees 1st Paqu-t. Hall 1774
  • Ad Bibliothecam elementary liber Methodicus interprete GE Mangelsdorfio. Dessau 1774
  • Scholae philantropicae liber provocabularis Cellarianus, redactis ad enuntiata latinitatis primitivis cum derivatis; annexis grammatices Rhetoricesque praeceptis ad plerorumque usum sufficientibus. Dessau. 1776
  • First word to the audience, in the Königl. Concerning the Danish Professor Basedow. Leipzig 1777, 2nd word, etc. Leipzig 1777
  • Lexicon latinae linguae, nova ratione digestum, additis eruditorum virorum observationibus circa puritatem et cultum elocutionis. Leipzig 1777
  • Selecta capita ex scriptoribus antiquis latinis, in usum scholarum, cum indice verborum difficiliorum. Hall 1779
  • Textbook of ancient peoples' history for academic lectures. Hall 1779
  • Attempt to present what has been said and done in the field of education for millennia. Leipzig 1779
  • Observatiuncularum de statu reguorum Europaeorum pristino specimen I. Halle 1779
  • Draft of the new European history of states, for the use of academic lectures. Hall 1780
  • Historically, statistical, moral reader for entertainment for adult youth and others. 1st piece Hall 1780, 2nd piece. Hall 1782, 3rd piece. Hall 1784
  • Notes on the Study of History, 1st sheet. Hall 1780
  • Anecdotes and short stories for the practice of wit and judgment. A May gift for children. Hall 1781
  • Outline of general world history, a textbook for those schools where Zopsian has been introduced up to now. Hall 1782 ( online )
  • Memoria D. Christ. Ren. Braunii. Koenigsberg 1782
  • General History of the European states, a thoroughly understandable reading book for entertainment.
    • 1st booklet, the state of Portugal !. Hall 1784, 1802
    • 2nd booklet, the State of Spain. Hall 1786, 1802
    • 3rd booklet, the State of France. Hall 1786
    • 4th booklet, decision of France; the state of England. Hall 1786
    • 5th booklet, decision of England. Hall 1786
    • 6th booklet, the state of Holland. Hall 1789
    • 7th booklet, the State of Russia. Hall 1790
    • 8th booklet, decision of the State of Russia, together with an appendix from Liefland and Kurland. Hall 1790
    • 9th booklet, the State of Sweden. Hall 1792
    • 10th booklet, decision of the State of Sweden. Hall 1792
    • 11th booklet, the state of Denmark. Hall 1793
    • 12th issue, the State of Poland. Hall 1794
  • Synchronistic repetition tables on a large scale. Hall 1784
  • Commemorative speech on Frederick II, King of Prussia, held in the large academic lecture hall. Leipzig 1786
  • Prussian National. Blätter, or magazine, for the description of the earth, history and statistics of the Kingdom of Prussia, 1 vol., 1st and 2nd pieces. Hall 1787
  • About the spirit of the revolutions. Koenigsberg 1790
  • Vine of the natural and civic equality of men. Koenigsberg 1793
  • Oratio de sapientia, quam Fridericus a Groeben in condendo literarum bonique moris seminario viris intelligentioribus comprobavit. Koenigsberg 1793
  • Progr. From the charity of the late Preuss. Minister of State and Oberburggrave von Rohd . Koenigsberg 1793
  • Progr. Of the virtue of gratitude. Koenigsberg 1793
  • House requirements from the general History of the old world for my children and others of 15 years, if necessary also something about it, 1. 2. Part. Halle 1796 (1795), 3rd and 4th part. Halle, 1796. 5th part Halle 1797, in front of the 5th part is his portrait, 2nd edition Halle and Leipzig 1802. 5 parts
  • Eulogy for King Friedrich I in Prussia on the 18th of Jenner, the foundation day of Prussia. Royal Crown, in the large lecture hall of the Royal. State University held. Koenigsberg 1796
  • Small house supplies from general ancient world history; a teaching and reading book for the most harmless school and family use for children from 12 to 15 years. Hall 1797
  • All time book of examples; useful for the intermediate lessons in oral lessons, following the instructions for small household needs from general history. 1st part hall 1797, 2nd part hall 1799
  • Preparatory attention and reflection exercises for young people of at least 12 years of age, a school and family book. Koenigsberg 1798
  • Attempt to present a short but not inadequate presentation of German history for educated readers. Leipzig 1799. 1st part, 1st alph .; 2nd part, 1st alph.
  • History of our German fatherland, 1st volume. Leipzig 1799
  • Outline of German history, intended for further explanation in schools, but soon also for an adequate survey of one's own. Leipzig 1800
  • House requirements from the general Recent history; a book for instruction and entertainment. Hall 1800 and 1801, 4th vol. Also under the title: Household supplies from the general. History, 6th, 7th and 8th volumes.
  • 18th Century European History; no control-based revision, but a presentation that is adequate and understandable for self-instruction for every educated reader; but at the same time a textbook for academic lectures. Halle and Leipzig 1803 (1802) With his portrait


Web link

Individual evidence

  1. CFH Bittcher: gatekeeper album: directory of teachers and schoolchildren of the royal family. Prussia. Pforta State School from 1543 to 1843. Verlag Fr. Chr. Wilh. Vogel, Leipzig, 1843, p. 350 ( online )
  2. ^ Karl Goedeke , Edmund Goetze: Outline of the history of German poetry from the sources. 2nd Edition. Ehlermann, Leipzig 1891, vol. 4. p.  65http: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3Dgrundriszzurges06goog~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3Dn82~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D65~PUR%3D .
  3. ^ Gustav Thaulow: Hegel's views on education and instruction. Academic bookstore, Kiel, 1853, ( online )
  4. Oberdeutsche Allgemeine Litteraturzeitung: in 1802. Munich 1802, Sp. 605 ( online )