Karl Emanuel von der Weid

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Karl Emanuel von der Weid (born January 1786 in Freiburg ; † March 10, 1845 in Naples ) was a Swiss general and politician .


Von der Weid was baptized on January 22nd, 1786 in Freiburg. He entered the military career in 1802 as a volunteer in the Stecklikkrieg . In the following year, 1803, he became a hunter of the honor guard at the daily statute in Freiburg, 1804 sub-lieutenant in the free corps, 1805 lieutenant in the militia. Although his family was critical of the French rule, he joined the 3rd Swiss regiment in the French service as a lieutenant-aide-major in 1806 and became a captain in 1808 . In the Battle of Bailén in 1808 he was captured by the Spanish prisoners of war. Was imprisoned as a prisoner of war in Spain , England and Scotland . From there, however, escaped in 1812 with a coal ship. His escape led him from Sweden via Denmark and Germany back to his homeland. It was in 1813 to captain-aide-major in Freiburg militia, 1815 Major then to Lieutenant Colonel promoted and battalion commander.

In the subsequent peace period in 1817, von der Weid assumed the office of a Freiburg Grand Councilor . He held this office until 1831. In addition, in 1817 he became inspector general of the Freiburg militia. He also made a name for himself as a reorganizer of the cantonal military. In 1820 he became a federal lieutenant colonel and a member of the federal military commission. His promotion to colonel and commander of the 2nd Swiss regiment in the Neapolitan service took place on February 20, 1826. He was in the favor of King Ferdinand II and in 1832 became brigadier general . In 1844 he was finally promoted to the Maréchal de camp .

Von der Weid was buried in the crypt of the St. Ferdinand Brotherhood in Naples.



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