Karl Günther stamp

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Karl Günther Stempel (born March 1, 1917 in Charlottenburg near Berlin ; † September 4, 2012 in Munich ) was a German lawyer and author of National Socialist sentiments.


Stempel came from a family of lawyers. In 1937 he graduated from the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich . He studied law in Munich and Geneva . In 1933 he was involved in the armed occupation of the Munich trade union building. In 1934 he became an SS candidate. In 1937 he joined the NSDAP (membership number 5.153.364) and became a member of the SS. During his studies he became a member of the Albert Leo Schlageter comradeship in 1937 . In 1940 he passed his legal traineeship . During the Second World War he took part as a reserve lieutenant in France, the Balkans, Russia, Silesia and Thuringia. He received a front prize for poetry.

After the end of the war, he went to the clerkship in 1948 and passed his second state examination. In 1964 he became a higher regional judge . From 1970 to 1979 he worked as a judge at the Bavarian Supreme Court .

In 1950 he was one of the founders of the right-wing extremist Deutsche Kulturwerk Europäische Geist (DKEG), of which he was president from 1972. In 1984 he was awarded the Golden Ring of Honor for poetry and in 1994 the Schiller Prize of the DKEG. In 1991 he received the Kant plaque from the German Academy for Education and Culture.

He was active in numerous clubs. From 1956 to 1963 he was a member of the Arminia Czernowitz fraternity , later an honorary member . He was an honorary member of the Ghibellinia fraternity in Prague in Saarbrücken . He was also a member of the Munich Citizens' Association, the Ring of German Citizens' Communities, the Federal Association of German Citizens' Associations, the discussion group in the Künstlerhaus, the German Art Foundation for Business, the German Academy for Education and Culture, the German Cultural Association of European Spirit , often as President or in a leading position active.


  • The Mocking Cliffs. 1960, 2nd edition 1972.
  • Holder and Diota. Castalian chants. 1970.
  • Cap Negre. A story. 1973.
  • Litter into the future. 1973.
  • Of gods and people. 1974.
  • On the social nature and mission of man. 1974.
  • Freedom and education. 1975.
  • Fall and rebirth of the West? 1980.
  • Together with Richard W. Eichler : Ernst Böhm. Research institute for the fine arts in corporation with the Jean Gebser Academy. 1998.
  • Of gods and people. The Castalian Chants Part Two and other poems. 2004.


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume II: Artists. Winter, Heidelberg 2018, ISBN 978-3-8253-6813-5 , pp. 662-663.

Individual evidence

  1. http://trauer.sueddeutsche.de/Trauerbeispiel/KarlGuenther-Stempel
  2. a b The Application of the Radical Resolution in the Free State of Bavaria (November 25, 1977)
  3. Annual report of the Wilhelms-Gymnasium Munich 1936/37.
  4. Karl Günther stamp . In: Der Spiegel . No. 11 , 1973, p. 156 ( online ).
  5. Sense of Progress . In: Der Spiegel . No. 18 , 1979, p. 107-112 ( online ). Quote: "So the Free State endures with remarkable tolerance the Chief Justice Karl Günther Stempel, who has been excelling in the right-wing extremist scene for years and only made a" commitment to folk culture in occidental community of fate "at an event of the German Cultural Association of European Spirit" in Lüneburg at the end of March Has [..]"