Karl Gustav von Lilienfeld

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Coat of arms of the noble family von Lilienfeld

Karl Gustav (the disciple) von Lilienfeld (* 1711 in Addinal , Tsarist Russia ; † April 12, 1759 in Tomsk , Russian Empire ) was a Baltic nobleman, chamberlain to the Duchess Anna of Braunschweig and later the Tsarina Anna of Russia (1693–1740 ) and Council of Churches in Saint Petersburg.


St. Anne's Church (1834) in Saint Petersburg

Since 1736 he served as a lieutenant in the Guards on horseback in Saint Petersburg and was adjutant of Field Marshal Count Peter Lacy . In 1740 he advanced to Rittmeister and served the Duchess Anna of Braunschweig as chamberlain , then he was chamberlain to the regent Anna of Russia and in 1742 was appointed " Real Chamberlain " to Empress Elisabeth of Russia. From 1740 he was a councilor of St. Anne's Church in Saint Petersburg. In 1744 he and his wife, whom he had met at Anna von Braunschweig's, were sent into exile in Siberia . His younger brother Jakob Heinrich von Lilienfeld (1716–1785), who was a socially critical writer, resigned from the Russian service for this very reason.

Origin and family

Karl Gustav von Lilienfeld came from the Baltic noble family von Lilienfeld , who was accepted into the Swedish nobility by Queen Christine in 1650 as "Lilljefelt". His father was Baron Karl Gustav (the elder) von Lilienfeld (* around 1682, † 1738), lord of Addinal, Nemmenhof, Pargenthal and Moisama, who was married to Sophia Gertrude von Rosencron. In 1741 Karl Gustav married Princess Sophia Odoevskaja ( Russian : София Васильевна фон Лилиенфельд (Одоевская)), who was born in Moscow in 1724 and served as a lady-in-waiting to the Duchess Anna of Braunschweig. They had no offspring.

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Individual evidence

  1. Other sources also give Yakutsk
  2. The Nömmenhof was founded at the beginning of the 18th century and became Gut Nemmenhof in 1720. In: Baltic historical local lexicon: Estonia (including Northern Livland), Part 1 of Baltic historical local lexicon, Hans Feldmann, Volume 1 of Baltic historical local lexicon: Southern Livland and Courland . Latvia, Heinz von Zur Mühlen, sources and studies on Baltic history, editors Hans Feldmann, Heinz von Zur Mühlen, Gertrud Westermann, Verlag Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar, 1985 ISBN 3412071838 , page 391 [1]