Karl Helfenstein

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Karl Helfenstein (born January 26, 1890 in Mannheim , † July 25, 1958 in Mannheim) was a German politician.

Life and work

Helfenstein graduated from the grand ducal high school in Mannheim with the Abitur and first studied law, then dentistry in Heidelberg, Munich, Strasbourg and Freiburg im Breisgau. After serving in the First World War , he did his doctorate at the University of Heidelberg and established himself as a dentist in Mannheim-Neckarau . After 1933 he was imprisoned several times. During the Second World War , Helfenstein was drafted again for military service and was taken prisoner.


Helfenstein became a member of the DDP in 1923 . From 1926 to 1933 he was chairman of the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold in Baden . In 1946 he joined the DVP , a forerunner of the Baden-Württemberg FDP . In the same year he was a member of the Constituent Assembly country Wuerttemberg-Baden and then from 1949 to 1952 Member of the Landtag of Württemberg-Baden . In addition, Helfenstein was a member of the Mannheim municipal council from 1948 to 1951 .


  • Wolfgang Brach: The Mannheim City Council 1945–1984 . Mannheim 1984, ISBN 3-87804-162-4