Karl Hennecke

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Karl Hennecke (born March 23, 1886 in Essen , † March 14, 1933 there ) was a German manager of the coal and steel industry.


Karl Hennecke graduated from the Burggymnasium Essen in 1904 . He then studied mining at the University of Freiburg and the Bergakademie Berlin . In 1905 he became a member of the Corps Hasso-Borussia Freiburg . In 1908 he became a mountain trainee and in 1913 a mountain assessor. He completed his military service as a one-year volunteer with the Dragoon Regiment No. 14 in Kolmar in Alsace . In 1914 he became deputy mine director of the Maximilian colliery in Hamm in Westphalia. He took part in the First World War as a soldier in full length, most recently as a first lieutenant in the reserve. As an award, he received the Iron Cross, 2nd class. After the end of the war he worked as a mining assessor at State Mining Inspection 11 in Fürstenhausen an der Saar until he was taken over by the French mine administration. In 1919 he accepted a position as deputy director of the Krupp mining administration in Betzdorf an der Sieg. Research trips took him to South America in 1922. He then became a mine director and advisor to the Mitsubishi Mining Company in Tokyo . From 1925 he was authorized officer and department head for ore mining and the ore supply for the smelters of Friedrich Krupp AG in Essen. Hennecke was a member of the supervisory board of Graphitwerk Kropfmühl AG .


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 31/234