Karl Ludwig von Gemmingen

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Karl Ludwig von Gemmingen (born August 5, 1700 in Hochberg ; † December 5, 1752 there ) was the Württemberg legation councilor and landlord in Hochberg .


He was a son of Uriel von Gemmingen (1644–1707) and Esther Nothrachtin von Hochberg († 1734). He went to a pension in Geneva in 1717 and stayed there for a year and a half before moving through Savoy to Grenoble in 1719 , where he visited La Grande Chartreuse on the occasion of a general chapter of all Carthusian priorities. After further travels through France, he was at the academy in Paris for about a year before he received a call home. On the way back he stayed three weeks at the court of the Duke of Lorraine in Nancy , with whom he was in almost daily contact. After further stints in Halle and Hanover , he became chamberlain to Duke Eberhard Ludwig of Württemberg in 1725 , and under his successor Karl Alexander he became a secret legation councilor until his mother's death in 1734 . Then he devoted himself to the administration of his property, where he wanted to awaken the religiosity of his subjects, in particular by distributing Bibles. In 1747 he married Maria Charlotte Ernestine Schenk von Schmidburg, with whom he had three children, before he died in Hochberg in 1752 of "wind water addiction" (an accumulation of liquid in the abdomen that was probably associated with a foul-smelling gas leak ).

He was buried in Hochberg, where his tomb was erected next to that of his mother. It bears the inscription: This is where Mr. Karl Ludwig von Gemmingen, Freyherr auf Hornberg, Hochdorf, Rappenau, Buttenhausen, Neckarzimmern, Ittlingen, Michelfeld, Ingenheim rests. Sr. Hfrstl. Pass to Würtemberg highly entrusted secret. Legation council. He was the last of this ancient noble house. He had his name a gemmis without a doubt. In fact, he was a precious stone after his noble birth and his noble gifts. It shone, it shimmered, it shone in unshakable trewe towards its fraw Gemalin tender love towards its Miss daughter in exceptional grace towards its subjects. It was indeed from Gemming. This gem is now darkened but only with us. It shines all the more in another place in the upper place of God. There this gemstone shimmers forever. LB et D. nat. d. 5 jul. 1700 mort. d. 5 Dec 1752. Text. fun. Isa. 38 BC 20 aet. LII.


He was married to Maria Charlotte Ernestine Schenk von Schmidberg († 1794). Of his children, only his daughter Maria Charlotte survived. His widow married Hans Weiprecht von Gemmingen (1723–1781) zu Fränkisch-Crumbach in 1761 and had two more daughters with him. They also survived the second husband and has sold the rule Hochberg after his death and instead was once owned by the Schmidberg located Lehrensteinsfeld acquired.


  • Maria Sophia Ernestine Luise († 1748)
  • Maria Charlotte Esther Ernestine (1749–1793)
  • Karl Ernst Christian (1750–1752)

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Stolberg : The history of palliative medicine. Medical care for the dying from 1500 until today. Mabuse, Frankfurt am Main 2011, ISBN 978-3-940529-79-4 , p. 25.
  2. Quoted from Stocker 1895, p. 265.


  • Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig Stocker : Family Chronicle of the Barons of Gemmingen , Heidelberg 1895, pp. 265–266.
  • Maria Heitland: Stones speak - stones lament. The checkered history of Ursula Esther von Nothaft and her son Karl Ludwig . In: Hie good Württemberg. People, history and landscape of our homeland . 51. Jg., Ludwigsburg 2000, pp. 30-32