Karl Mündlein

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Karl Mündlein at the Uhu-Treff in Weikersheim, 2010

Karl Mündlein (born December 25, 1942 in Weikersheim ) is a German poet who writes in Hohenlohe dialect .

Karl Mündlein grew up in poor circumstances in the Hohenlohe residential town of Weikersheim as the son of a part-time farmer , which shaped him. In his texts he mainly processes the impressions from his childhood and youth. At the age of 14 Mündlein began, like his father before, an apprenticeship as a telecommunications tradesman in Stuttgart and then worked for six years at the Schwäbisch Hall telecommunications office . After attending the technical college in Heilbronn , he completed a teaching degree in Ludwigsburg and Schwäbisch Gmünd . Until the beginning of his "unretirement" in 2006 he taught at a secondary school in Mainhardt not far from his home country. He lives in Ammertsweiler, a suburb of Mainhardt.


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