Karl Richter (clergyman)

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Karl Richter (* 15. October 1804 in Warendorf , Westphalia , Kingdom of Prussia ; † 23 / 24. August 1869 in Trier ) was a German Catholic priest , educator , deputy and canon in West Prussia , Posen and Trier.


Karl Richter studied Catholic theology, philosophy and philology at the academy in Münster from 1821 to 1826. He then became a senior teacher and head of the Progymnasium in Rietberg, Westphalia, and in 1828 a senior teacher at the Gymnasium in Paderborn . In 1830 he was ordained a priest.

In 1837 Karl Richter became the first director of the new royal Catholic grammar school in Culm, West Prussia . He helped the mostly Polish students to speak their language in school and learned it himself. In 1840 it became an official language of instruction. In 1844 Richter was transferred to the Collegium Marianum seminary in Pelplin , where he became professor of dogmatics and philosophy and canon of the diocese of Culm .

Karl Richter stood up for the interests of the Polish population in West Prussia. In 1848 he became a member of the Prussian National Assembly for Berent and in the following year in the Prussian state parliament (1st electoral period). He also became a member of the Polish League ( Liga Polska ).

In 1849 Richter was transferred to Posen , where he was also a professor of dogmatics and philosophy at the seminary and canon (cathedral capitular), later at times also chairman of the prosynodal court, prosynodal executor and censor for literature.

In 1837 Karl Richter was appointed official and canon in Trier. There he died on the night of 23/24 August 1869. He left an extensive library for the cathedral archive.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christian Pletzing: From the spring of nations to the national conflict. German and Polish nationalism in East and West Prussia 1830–1871 (= German Historical Institute (Warsaw). Sources and Studies. Vol. 13). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2003, ISBN 3-447-04657-0 . P. 201f.