Karl Theodor von Rieff

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Karl Theodor von Rieff (1816–1908), Lieutenant General

Karl Theodor von Rieff (born July 5, 1816 in Wetzlar , † August 11, 1908 in Berlin-Charlottenburg ) was royal Prussian lieutenant general and most recently the commander of the 4th Field Artillery Brigade.


His parents were the Secret Legation Councilor Georg Joseph von Rieff and his wife NN von Borstell .


He received his education at the grammar school in Trier. After graduating, he joined the 4th Artillery Brigade on April 1, 1835, as a gunner. From October 1, 1836 to September 30, 1839 he was posted to the United Artillery and Engineering School . During this time he was promoted to Portepeefähnrich on September 29, 1837 and aggregated as Second Lieutenant on September 28 .

After his return he was recruited on January 7, 1840. From July 1, 1843 to August 30, 1845 he switched to the artillery on horseback . He then became a department adjutant on September 1, 1845, and on March 1, 1847, he was appointed adjutant in the 4th Artillery Brigade. There he was promoted to Premier Lieutenant on June 15, 1852 and to captain on January 1, 1856. From April 1, 1856 to September 30, 1858 he was posted to the Mainz governorate. He distinguished himself in a large powder explosion in Mainz and was awarded the Red Eagle Order 3rd class with ribbon , the Rescue Medal on Ribbon, the Austrian Order of the Iron Crown 3rd Class and the Hessian Philipps Order 3rd Class on November 18, 1857 awarded with swords . On March 3, 1859, he was posted to the War Ministry and placed à la suite of the 4th Artillery Regiment, and on March 11, he was transferred to the Artillery Department. There he was promoted to major on July 1, 1860, and awarded the Order of the Crown, 3rd class , on January 14, 1865 . On March 18, 1865, he was appointed chief of the artillery department in the War Ministry and on June 18, 1865, lieutenant colonel. He received the Crown Order 2nd Class on October 2, 1866 and was promoted to Colonel on April 18, 1867. On April 30, 1867 he received the Commander's Cross of the Saxon Order of Albrecht and on March 26, 1868 the Commander's Cross 2nd Class of the Hessian Order of Ludwig .

On June 13, 1868 he was appointed President of the Artillery Examination Commission, to which he was placed à la suite of the War Ministry. During the Franco-Prussian War he was on September 23, 1870 commander of the siege artillery on the southern front during the siege of Paris (1870–1871) , where he was wounded. For the bombardment of Toul he received the Iron Cross 2nd class . In addition, he received the Bavarian Military Merit Order, 2nd Class, and the schaumburg-Lippe Merit Medal . He also received the Iron Cross 1st Class on March 6, 1871 .

On April 18, 1871, he returned to the War Ministry as a department head, and on July 31, 1871, he was given the post of brigade commander. But on December 11, 1871, he was transferred to the 4th Artillery Brigade as a commander, placed à la suite of the War Ministry, and on January 18, 1872, appointed major general. He was born on October 26, 1872 commander of the 4th Field Artillery Brigade and on May 13, 1873 Pension for grabs provided as well as the Red Eagle 2nd Class with oak leaves excellent. On January 5, 1896, he received the character of Lieutenant General.

He died on August 11, 1908 in Berlin-Charlottenburg and was buried on August 14, 1908 in the Invalidenfriedhof .


Rieff married on May 19, 1863 in Freiburg im Breisgau Frieda Therese Wolf (born April 28, 1837, † July 30, 1898), a daughter of the Karlsruhe chief forester Karl Wolf . The couple had two children.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eduard Heyde, Adolph Froese, History of the Siege of Paris in 1870/71 , Part 1, p.562