Karl Trasti

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Karl Trasti (born February 19, 1917 in Vadsø , Finnmark ; † October 4, 1976 ) was a Norwegian ministerial official and politician of the Labor Party , who was Minister for Wages and Prices in the Gerhardsen III government and the Gerhardsen IV government between 1962 and 1964 and then from 1964 to 1965 Minister of Industry in the fourth Gerhardsen government.


Trasti, son of tax officer August A. Trasti and Sigrid Oline Aalmen, began to study law after attending school in 1937 , which he completed in 1942 as Candidatus juris (Cand. Jur.). After a temporary job as assistant judge (Dommerfullmektig) in Tana and Vadsø, he became secretary in the Ministry of Finance in 1943 and then from 1945 to 1948 a judge ( Sorenskriver ) for proceedings for treason against collaborators with the German occupation forces . He then returned to the Ministry of Finance, where he was budget secretary and legal advisor until 1953. During this time he completed courses in finance and budgeting in Sweden , Finland , Denmark , the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom . From 1953 to 1955 he was secretary of the Arbeiderpartiet faction in Storting .

On January 22, 1955, Trasti took over his first government office and served as State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance until December 28, 1956. In 1957 he became director of the customs authorities (Tolletaten) and held this position until his death in 1976.

In a government reshuffle, Trasti was appointed by Prime Minister Einar Gerhardsen on September 1, 1962 to succeed Gunnar Bøe as Minister for Wages and Prices (Lønns- og prisminister) in his third government and held this ministerial office until the end of Gerhardsen's term of office on August 28 1963. After the end of the bourgeois minority government of Prime Minister John Lyng , he also took over the post of Minister for Wages and Prices in the fourth Gerhardsen government from September 25, 1963 to January 20, 1964. In the course of a government reshuffle, he was appointed on January 20 1964 as successor to Trygve Lie Minister of Industry (Minister of Industry) , while Idar Norstrand succeeded him as Minister of Wages and Prices. He held the office of Minister of Industry until the end of Gerhardsen's tenure on October 12, 1965. At the same time, he was a member of the SAS Scandinavian Airlines supervisory board from 1963 to 1966 .

Trasti has received several awards and was, among other things, commander of the Swedish North Star Order , commander of the Finnish Order of the White Rose and commander of the Icelandic Order of the Hawks .

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