Karl Waller

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Karl Waller (born March 8, 1892 in Stade , † May 15, 1963 in Cuxhaven ) was a German teacher and homeland and prehistory researcher of the Elbe-Weser area , who was particularly concerned with research on Saxony.


Waller stayed in Stade until the end of his teacher training , where the first contacts with prehistoric finds arose. In 1912 he took up a position as a country teacher in Hetzwege near Scheeßel , and in 1917 he was transferred to the elementary school in Cuxhaven - Döse , where he worked until his retirement in March 1957.

In the summer of 1921 he began his 40-year research activity, which was reflected in more than 100 papers and publications. In May 1924 he was appointed honorary cultural curator for the city of Cuxhaven , and in 1938 also for the Hadeln district (district cultural curator). Numerous excavations and emergency rescues took place under his direction, including in Duhnen , Sahlenburg , Stickenbüttel , Berensch , Altenwalde , Holte-Spangen , Oxstedt and Gudendorf . In the process, important burial grounds and settlement areas, especially those of the Chauken and Saxons, were developed. Waller later called Saxony research into being, from which in 1949 the “International Working Group for Saxony Research” emerged.


  • Waller became a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute in 1955 .
  • In 1957 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit.
  • In 1961 he received the Hermann Allmers Prize for local research.
  • Elected a member by the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony , he was made an honorary member by the Heimatbund of the “ Men from the Morning Star ”.
  • In 1963 the Cuxhaven Museum of Prehistory and Early History was given the name Karl Waller Museum of Prehistory and Early History in 1964
  • In 1976 the former Galgenbergsweg between Stickenbüttel and Sahlenburg was renamed Karl-Waller-Weg in Cuxhaven.

Publications (selection)

  • The Galgenberg near Cuxhaven. The history of a Germanic grave and defense site at the mouth of the Elbe in the Sahlenburg district (= Hamburg writings on prehistory and Germanic early history, vol. 1). Kabitzsch, Leipzig 1938
  • An Elbe Germanic fibula find from the Oxstedter Heide near Cuxhaven in Die Kunde 12, 1944, pp. 47-48.
  • 1957: The cemetery of Altenwalde in the Hadeln district . Hamburgisches Museum f. Ethnology and prehistory
  • 1961: The beginnings of Fries . Settlement of the Geest . In: Jahrbuch der Männer vom Morgenstern No. 42 u. No. 53
  • 1962: Guide through Cuxhaven ; Publishing house Oliva


  • Werner Haarnagel : Karl Waller in memory. In: Yearbook. Men from the Morning Star. Vol. 45, 1964, ISSN  0931-8313 , pp. 447f.
  • Andreas Wendowski-Schünemann: Karl Waller (1892–1963), life and work of the pioneer of prehistoric research in our homeland. Verlags-Gesellschaft Cuxhaven, Cuxhaven 1989, ISBN 3-920709-26-8 .
  • Peter Bussler: Historical city lexicon for Cuxhaven. (= Special publications of the Heimatbund der Männer vom Morgenstern. No. 36). Heimatbund der Männer vom Morgenstern, Bremerhaven 2002, ISBN 3-931771-36-9 , p.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.urgeschichte.de/artikel/cuxhaven/cuxhaven1.htm
  2. http://www.landschaftsverband-stade.de/faltblatt25.html
  3. http://www.landschaftsverband-stade.de/html/10_jahre_endung_in_cuxhaven.html