Karl Wilhelm Gärtner

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Karl Wilhelm Gärtner , Edler von Gärtner auf Rohrsdorf since 1750 (born December 1, 1700 in Dresden , † March 13, 1760 in Vienna ), was a German legal scholar and lawyer.


The son of the master builder Matthäus Gärtner had attended the Kreuzschule in his hometown since April 19, 1714 . On October 3, 1718, he began studying law at the University of Leipzig . Here was his teacher Christian Gottfried Hoffmann (1692–1735). In Leipzig he acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy in 1721 , moved to the University of Frankfurt (Oder) in 1723 and, when he returned to Leipzig in 1724, received his doctorate in law.

In 1727 he became professor of law at the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences with the title de VS et de RJ, was rector of the Alma Mater in the summer semester of 1730 , was Appellationsrat in Dresden in 1733 and at the same time instructor of Prince Elector Friedrich Christian of Saxony , with the title of a secret court and council of war. In this function he was an assessor at the Vicariate Court in 1742 and 1745, was raised to the status of a noble man in 1749 with the imperial diploma on November 8, 1750 with the imperial diploma.

From his marriage on November 23, 1727 to Johanne Salome (born January 2, 1713 in Leipzig; † May 19, 1796 in Bautzen), the daughter of the Leipzig lawyer Johann Friedrich Winckler and his wife Friderike Johanne Salome (née Drobisch from Dresden ), four sons and three daughters were born. The names of the sons Karl Friedrich Edler von Gärtner († 1778), August Gottlieb Freiherr von Gärtner († 1807 in Dresden) and Heinrich Ferdinand Edler von Gärtner († 1807 in Naumburg) are known.


  • Diss. De Sigismundo, Romanorum Imperatore, Germanise, Hungariae, Bohemiae Rege. Leipzig 1723
  • Diss. Inaug. de materia possessionis territonorum SRIG immediatorum in titulis et modis acquirendi, retinendi et amittendi. Leipzig 1724
  • Diss. De SRI Electorum, inprimia Saxoniae, feudis et officiis Bambergensibus. Leipzig 1726, 1741
  • Program inaug. de praefidio et tentamine iuri Saxonico praestito. Leipzig 1727
  • Diss. De advocatiis publicis superioris Lusatiae From those Vogteyen in the Upper Lusatia. Leipzig 1727
  • Diss. De iure legatorum in diem, vel sub conditione relictorum; occasione § 4. Tit. 45. EOPS Leipzig 1728
  • Diss. De foemina debitrice ex pacto ad carceres obligata; occasione § 11. App, ad Ordin. PS Elect. Renov. Leipzig 1728
  • Diss. De iuris Romani distinctione inter dotem et parapherna foris Germ. non accommodanda. Leipzig 1729
  • Diss. De eo, quod iustum est circa exbibitionem reorum, iure inprimis Lusatiae superioris. Leipzig 1729
  • A short draft of how to obtain a thorough knowledge of the Electorate of Saxony, incorporated and associated states, and the iuris publici to be derived from it. Leipzig 1729
  • Institutiones iuris criminalis. Leipzig 1729. II. Edition Leipzig 1747, 1765
  • Saxonum leges tres, quae exstant, antiquissimae, aetate Caroli M. confectae; notis illustravit etc. Accessit Lex Frisionum, cum notis Sibrandi Siccamae. Leipzig 1730
  • Westphalian peace - Canzley, in it the one from on. 1643 to 1648 in which the Munster and Osnabrück Peace Treaties contain secret correspondence, given instructions, reported relations, and other special information; together with a complete history of the Treaty of Westphalia. 1st chapter. Leipzig 1731, 2nd and 2nd 3rd part Leipzig 1732, 4th and 5th part Leipzig 1733, 6th part Leipzig 1734, 7th part Leipzig 1755, 8th part Leipzig 1736, 9th part Leipzig 1738
  • Epkens von Repgow Sachsen - Spiegel, or the Saxon Land - law, like those with the oldest Codicibus MSS. held together, made from it according to its true understanding, along with two never-before-printed texts of the old Upper Saxon original language of this law, also its Latin version and a new translation, and provided with a preface by the author, Alter, Codicibus and editions of this law. Leipzig 1732
  • Diss. Iure Germanico inter impuberes et minores, tutores et curatores, non distingui. Leipzig 1732


  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer d. J., Leipzig, 1804, 4th vol., P. 13 ( online )
  • Gabriel Wilhelm Götten : The now-living scholarly Europe. Part 2, p. 58 ( online )
  • Ernst Heinrich Kneschke: New general German nobility lexicon, published in association with several historians. Verlag Friedrich Voigt, Leipzig 1861, 3rd volume, p. 424 ( online )
  • Lausitz monthly magazine 1797 . Verlag Hermsdorf and Anton, Görlitz, 1st part, 1-6. Piece, p. 506 ( online )
  • Otto Titan von Hefner: Register of the thriving and dead nobility in Germany. Verlag Georg Joseph Manz, Regensburg, 1863, Part 2, 1863, p. 3, ( online )