Karl Wulzinger

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Karl Friedrich Paul Wulzinger (born June 29, 1886 in Würzburg , † May 26, 1949 in Karlsruhe ) was a German historical building researcher .


Karl Wulzinger was the son of the chief accounting and government councilor in Munich, Ferdinand Wulzinger. In 1896/97 he attended the Maximiliansgymnasium and then the Realgymnasium in Munich. From 1905 to 1909 he studied architecture at the Technical University of Munich . He first joined the Bavarian State Construction Service and worked under Friedrich von Thiersch on the extension of the Technical University. In 1911 an eight-month study trip to Constantinople and Asia Minor followed. In 1913 Wulzinger received his doctorate with Cornelius Gurlitt at the Technical University of Dresden with the dissertation Three Bektaschi Monasteries of Phrygia . From 1912 to 1914 he worked as an excavation architect in Miletus under the archaeologist Theodor Wiegand , then he did his military service, initially in the Vosges from 1914 to 1916 and again under Theodor Wiegand in the German-Turkish Monument Protection Command in Syria , Palestine and northern Sinai from 1916 to 1918 .

After his habilitation (1914) and teaching (1919) at the Technical University in Munich, Wulzinger was a full professor for art and building history at the Technical University of Karlsruhe , whose rector he was 1928/29. In 1937 he became a member of the NSDAP , in 1945 he was therefore suspended, but reinstated in 1946. Wulzinger's successor was his former assistant Arnold Tschira in 1950 .


  • Three Bektashi monasteries in Phrygia . Technical dissertation (Technical University of Dresden). Ernst Wasmuth, Berlin 1913.
  • with Walter Bachmann , Carl Watzinger and Theodor Wiegand : Petra (= scientific publications of the German-Turkish Monument Protection Command. Issue 3), de Gruyter, Berlin / Leipzig 1921.
  • with Carl Watzinger: Damascus. The ancient city (= scientific publications of the German-Turkish monument protection command. Issue 4). de Gruyter, Berlin / Leipzig 1921.
  • with Alexander Raymund: Old Turkish ceramics in Asia Minor and Constantinople . Bruckmann, Munich 1922.
  • with Carl Watzinger: Damascus. The Islamic city of Karl Wulzinger and Carl Watzinger. (= Scientific publications of the German-Turkish Monument Protection Command. Issue 5). Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin / Leipzig 1924.
  • Byzantine monuments to Constantinople, on the Seraispitze, the Nea, the Tekfur-Serai and the cistern problem . Lafaire, Hanover 1925.
  • The Piruz Mosque at Milas: A Contribution to the Early History of Ottoman Architecture . In: Festschrift for the centenary of the Technical University of Karlsruhe. CFMüller, Karlsruhe 1925.
  • Some works of secular and spiritual art in Ettlingen . In: Ettlingen then and now. A celebration for the 700th anniversary of the city. G.Braun, Karlsruhe-Ettlingen 1927.
  • Art and technology . In: To technical studies. Karlsruhe Student Service, Karlsruhe 1929.
  • Building history in teaching and research. Speech given on the occasion of the change of rectorate on December 1, 1928 . Karlsruhe academic speeches 1. CFMüller, Karlsruhe 1929.
  • Art sites in the Karlsruhe area . In: Karlsruher Hochschulführer 1930/31.
  • The Apostle Church and the Mehmedije at Constantinople . In: Byzantion Vol. 7, Bruxelles 1932, pp. 7-39.
  • The Macellum Dupondia of Nero . In: Numismatik 2, Kress & Hornung, Munich 1933.
  • with Paul Wittek , Friedrich Sarre : The Islamic Miletus (= Miletus. Results of excavations and investigations since 1899, Volume III, Book 4). de Gruyter, Berlin 1935.
  • Fritz Krischen: Ancient town halls . With the collaboration of Karl Wulzinger and Armin von Gerkan. In: Studies on building research, volume 4. Man. Berlin 1941.
  • Basic information on the consideration of old architectures , in: Front messages. NSD student union, Technical University Friedericiana Karlsruhe 1944.4.


Web links

Literature (evidence)

Individual evidence

  1. Address book for Munich, volume 1893 (online / OPAC BSB Munich)
  2. ^ Annual report on the K. Maximilians-Gymnasium in Munich for the school year 1896/97, class 1b
  3. ^ Loss list 1st World War / Bavarian loss list 253, March 3, 1916, Brigade Replacement Battalion No. 4, 2nd Company: Leutnant d. Karl Wulzinger infantry reserve - Würzburg - slightly injured in an accident