Karl Zerlauth

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Karl Zerlauth (born October 16, 1894 in Ludesch ; † August 3, 1967 ibid) was an Austrian politician ( CS , ÖVP ) and farmer. Zerlauth was from 1928 to 1938 and from 1945 to 1949 a member of the Vorarlberg state parliament , in 1945 a member of the Vorarlberg state committee and from 1945 to 1949 government advisor in the Vorarlberg state government .

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Karl Zerlauth was born on October 16, 1894 as the son of farmer Martin Anton Zerlauth and his wife Maria Katharina in the Vorarlberg community of Ludesch. After completing elementary school in Ludesch, he worked on his father's farm and as a brickworker. From 1915 to 1917 he did military service with the Bludenzer Standschützen on the southern front. Zerlauth then attended the agricultural college in Winkelhof near Oberalm in the state of Salzburg from 1917 to 1919 , where he was employed as an intern and administrator until 1920 after completing his training. In 1920 he bought his own property in Ludesch and one year later, on November 7, 1921, married his first wife Nothburga.

In 1925, Karl Zerlauth was elected for the first time as a councilor in the Vorarlberg Chamber of Agriculture . From 1928 to 1938 he was subsequently President of the Chamber of Agriculture in Vorarlberg. On April 2, 1928, he was elected member of the Vorarlberg state parliament in the Bludenz constituency, where he represented the Christian Social Party until November 13, 1934. In 1929 Zerlauth was elected head of his home parish Ludesch , which he remained until 1934. On November 14, 1934, Karl Zerlauth was appointed a member of the state parliament by the governor as a representative of the agriculture and forestry profession due to the new laws of the Austrian corporate state . He stayed that way until the National Socialists came to power in 1938. On October 1, 1934, after the death of his first wife on July 17, 1933, Zerlauth married his second wife, Gebhardina Paula, with whom he subsequently had seven children.

After the Second World War and the liberation of Austria by the Allies, Ulrich Ilg appointed Karl Zerlauth to the first provisional state government, the so-called Vorarlberg State Committee , with responsibility for the departments of food and agriculture. Zerlauth thus occupied a key position in the new state government as a representative of the newly founded ÖVP. After the regional elections on November 25, 1945 Zerlauth both again member of parliament and government advisor for nutritional in was state government Ilg I . He exercised his office in the state government as well as that in the state parliament until 1949 and the next state election, after which he left state politics. However, from 1947 Karl Zerlauth continued to work as President of the Vorarlberg Chamber of Agriculture. He only resigned from this office in 1962. For his efforts in agriculture and the state of Vorarlberg, he was awarded the professional title of economics council in 1960 and the silver medal of honor of the state of Vorarlberg in 1964 .

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