Karl von Cleß

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August Eberhard Karl Cleß , from 1853 von Cleß , (* July 15, 1794 in Königsbronn , Duchy of Württemberg ; † April 1, 1874 in Stuttgart , Kingdom of Württemberg ) was a German Protestant theologian and classical philologist .


Karl von Cleß was the son of the Königsbronn monastery administrator and senior bailiff Carl Maximilian Cleß and came from a long-established family of theologians and officials in Württemberg, which goes back to Martin Cleß .

After completing his studies, he worked as a court chaplain in Stuttgart from 1819. In 1825 he was appointed high school professor at the upper city high school. He participated in various large scientific companies of his time. Cleß wrote several articles for August Friedrich Paulys Real Encyclopedia of Classical Classical Antiquities (1837-1848. ²1864-1866) and translations for the series by Osiander , Schwab and Tafel . In 1861 he was retired as senior teacher.

Cleß married Julie Elben (* 1803; † 1872), a daughter of Christian Gottfried Elben and Sophie Elben, born on April 18, 1820 in Stuttgart . Little fire . His marriage to his wife Julie has two daughters. Daughter Sophie Cleß married the chemist Hermann Christian von Fehling in 1844 .

For his achievements, Cleß was honored with the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown in 1853 , which was associated with the personal title of nobility.


Individual evidence

  1. Royal Württemberg Court and State Manual 1862 , p. 43.

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