Karl von Hülsen

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Traugott Eugen Moritz Karl von Hülsen (born January 13, 1824 in Trier , † June 11, 1888 in Merseburg ) was a German administrative officer and modernized the public insurance system in Germany.


He came from an old Frisian noble family from the 13th century who immigrated to East Prussia in the 16th century . His parents were Lobegott Friedrich Karl von Hülsen (born November 11, 1785 - † July 29, 1862) and his wife Emilie Pauline Juliane von Bornack (* February 9, 1796 - † February 19, 1828). His father married Auguste Luise Lübbert (* July 7, 1799; April 15, 1870) in 1829 .


After studying law in Breslau and Berlin , Hülsen took up a position as royal Prussian government assessor in the government in Magdeburg on May 31, 1852 . His area of ​​responsibility also included the supervision of the insurance companies in the region. In 1856 he became assistant to the general director of the "Magdeburgische Land-Feuersozietät", Karl Ludwig von der Schulenburg-Altenhausen . In 1862/63 he was seconded to the Prussian Minister of War Albrecht Graf von Roon to help as an administrative specialist in the context of the army reform. At the suggestion of the Upper President of the Province of Saxony , Hartmann von Witzleben , who knew him from the Magdeburg time, Hülsen was elected General Director of the Merseburg-based Land Fire Society of the Prussian Duchy of Saxony on March 4, 1863. The Prussian King Wilhelm I approved the election on July 27, 1863.

Hülsen headed the institution he modernized for a period of almost 25 years. In addition, he is considered a reorganizer of the public insurance system in Germany. The founding of associations of various public insurance companies went back to Hülsen . He was heavily involved in the work of the association, which served to bundle the interests of public insurers. Hülsen introduced concepts for public insurance, such as contributions graded according to risk class, which were already practiced in the private insurance industry and also used instruments such as reinsurance . In addition, he expanded his business activities to include furniture insurance and dealt with the idea of ​​a public life insurance policy , which was only introduced at a later date.

He was a landlord on Hemsendorf near Jessen (Elster) .


Hülsen married Ignes von Ohlen and Adlerscron in Dresden on June 17, 1852 (* February 20, 1829 in Breslau , Lower Silesia ; † March 3, 1895 at Gut Hemsendorf), the daughter of the royal Prussian captain and landowner Albert von Ohlen and Adlerscron , landowner to Reppersdorf and others, and Hedwig Eßlair . The couple had several children:

  • Lobegott Maximilian Johannes (Hans) (born May 31, 1856; † June 26, 1934) ⚭ Anna Sophie Renate von Rosen (born January 25, 1871; † March 23, 1940)
  • Anna Eleonore Jenny Marie (June 2, 1858 - September 27, 1872)
  • God of honor Wilhelm Karl (born October 11, 1859 - † July 31, 1903), Major i. G. ⚭ 1894 Leonore von Moltke (* October 22, 1875; † 1961), daughter of Lieutenant General Wilhelm von Moltke (1845–1905)


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