Karoline Bayer

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Karoline Bayer , also Caroline Bayer (* 1821 ; † July 11, 1903 in Heidelberg ) was a German nurse and head nurse at a Red Cross children's hospital (Luisenanstalt Heidelberg).


Karoline Bayer initially belonged to the Protestant deaconess mother house in Karlsruhe-Rüppurr . There she completed her training as a nurse, as was the job title in Rüppurr at the time. Due to her organizational skills, she was promoted relatively quickly to head nurse at the parent company in Rüppurr . Because of discrepancies regarding her independent leadership style, she left the deaconess mother house and joined the Badischer Frauenverein des Rot Kreuz , which had a strong presence in Karlsruhe . Here, too, she was immediately entrusted with one of the then rare management positions of a head nurse. In 1860 she took over the nursing management of the children's sanatorium "Luisenanstalt", which was initially opened by Theodor von Dusch in Heidelberg in a rented two-room apartment with six beds, which then moved to Bergheimer Strasse 39. The "Luisenanstalt" had an occupancy of 33 children during the first year (exception: newborns and infants) and is the forerunner of the later Heidelberg University Children's Clinic. "A supervisor, Miss Caroline Bayer, and a maid have been hired as nursing staff," the 1860 annual report noted. Karoline Bayer has been described as extremely capable. In the beginning she did the nursing and housekeeping of the new clinic with a single maid. Karoline Bayer spent decades in the Luisenanstalt and later also became the first superior of the new house. Thus, she has a share in the problem solving that has been necessary again and again during the history of the clinic. Karoline Bayer's name, although forgotten today, is still associated with the rise of the clinic.

From 1869, Karoline Bayer also participated as a teacher in the training of nurses at the Badischer Frauenverein. In the war year 1870/71, like many other nurses from the Baden women's associations of the Red Cross, she was drafted into hospital nursing. She survived the war unharmed. After her return she took over her post as head nurse Karoline in the Luisenanstalt Heidelberg. In 1887 Katharina Bühler was appointed her successor. Karoline Bayer moved into the upper floor of the Luisenheilanstalt, a very spacious, so-called “old age parlor”, where she could stay until her death. An after-work house was not available for them. Karoline Bayer continued to do what she could in the Luisenheilanstalt and worked in the sewing room. In her nursing home, she still saw the Egyptian pediatrician Jussuf Ibrahim , who, under Oswald Vierordt, was to become the first doctor to qualify for pediatrics at the Heidelberg Luisenanstalt in 1904. Karoline Bayer, one of the first women in the position of head nurse in Baden, died in Heidelberg. In 1899, Pia Bauer , one of the first X-ray nurses and Nestor for oncological care, who belonged to the same Rotkreuz motherhouse in Karlsruhe as Karoline Bayer, also became a superior at the Heidelberg Academic Hospital, and a few years later in the Samaritan House.

In the foyer of the Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at Heidelberg University Hospital , unlike Theodor von Dusch, there is unfortunately no memorial plaque for Matron Karoline Bayer (2016).

Honorary doctorate from the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg for Henry Dunant

In 1903, the year Karoline Bayer died, the founder of the International Red Cross, Henry Dunant , to whose parenting Karoline Bayer belonged, was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Medical Faculty of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität for his services to nursing and special war nursing. The doctor, cancer researcher and medical supervisor of Pia Bauer, Vinzenz Czerny , emphasized at the centenary celebration of Ruperto Carola in 1903 the development of the free science of the Ruprecht-Karls-University since 1803 and thus tied in with the tradition of his predecessor Franz Anton Mai and his services to the academization of nursing a hundred years earlier. For health reasons it was not possible for Dunant to attend the Zentenar celebration. He limited himself to written greetings.


  • Sheets of the Badischer Frauenverein 27, pp. 271–275, Karlsruhe 1903.
  • Horst-Peter Wolff: Biographical lexicon on nursing history "Who was who in nursing history" Volume 2, Urban & Fischer Verlag Munich / Jena, 2008, p. 17.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Erb : Theodor von Dusch . Memorial speech, given on behalf of the medical faculty in the auditorium of the university on January 16, 1890, for the benefit of the Luisenheilanstalt , Heidelberg Gustav Koester 1890, p. 10.
  2. Angela Weirich and Georg F. Hoffmann: From the private, predominantly charitable children's sanatorium (1860) to the state university children's clinic Heidelberg (1923) , in: Wolfgang U. Eckart , Georg F. Hoffmann , Philipp Osten (ed.): Developments and perspectives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. 150 Years of Pediatrics in Heidelberg, Kirchheim Verlag Mainz 2010, pp. 29–56, on Karoline Bayer, p. 33, ISBN 978-3-87409-489-4 Online resource of the book
  3. German AG for NESTLE products (eds.): Eduard Seidler : Pediatrics in Heidelberg. On the 100th anniversary of the University Children's Clinic (Luisenheilanstalt) 1860-1960 , with a foreword by Philipp Bamberger , Annales Nestle 1960 Lindau-Bodensee, pp. 37 + 57.
  4. Eduard Seidler and Miriam Posselt: Jussuf Ibrahim . Notes on his scientific literature , in: Monthly Journal for Paediatrics , Springer Berlin, Heidelberg 150 (8), 2002, pp. 1000–1003.
  5. ^ Rhein-Neckar-Wiki: Oswald Vierordt
  6. Vice-Rector Excellence Privy Councilor Professor Dr. Czerny : Ceremonial address , in: Senate of Ruperto Carola : Acta Saecularia. In memory of the centenary celebrations at Heidelberg University, 1803-1903 , Verlag von Otto Petters Heidelberg 1904, pp. 59–61, Henry Dunant pp. 180, 215.