Pia Bauer

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Pia Bauer (* 5. February 1871 in Book ; † 10. December 1954 in Heidelberg ) was a German nurse , head nurse , X-sister and Nestorin of oncological care in Germany.


The Catholic educated farmer first attended a secondary school for girls and then began training as a nurse on October 1, 1896 in the Karlsruhe Red Cross Mother House.

As early as 1859, Luise von Baden founded the first women's association of the Red Cross in Karlsruhe , as well as the Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross, the "Luis Sisters". There was a similar foundation with the Albertverein in Dresden in 1867 by Carola von Sachsen .

Services to oncological care at the academic hospital in Heidelberg

In the Karlsruhe Red Cross Mother House, Pia Bauer met her companion Mathilde von Horn , who later became Superior General of the Baden Red Cross. Pia Bauer's practical nursing training took place mainly in the Heidelberg University Surgical Clinic (then: Heidelberg Academic Hospital). After Bauer graduated, she was accepted into the Luis Sisterhood on November 18, 1898 as a Red Cross Sister . As early as March 1, 1899, she was appointed superior of the Heidelberg hospital, succeeding Hedwig von Schlichting , who also came from the Karlsruhe motherhouse. Hedwig von Schlichting was appointed to the new general hospital in Eppendorf near Hamburg. In 1909 Pia Bauer was appointed matron of the Samaritan House , which later became the radiological clinic at Heidelberg University Hospital . In this house, which had been used since 1906 by the renowned Heidelberg physician and cancer researcher Vincenz Czerny as part of his institute for experimental cancer research, mainly cancer patients were accepted. The prominent inscription on the front of the Samaritan House read or still reads today (2016) “ In Scientia Salus ”, as Bernhard Naunyn had already formulated it in 1860 (“ Only science is the salvation of medicine” ).

Pia Bauer was one of the first nurses to experience caring for cancer patients after the discovery of X-rays and the introduction of radium therapy . Vincenz Czerny advocated the resumption of massages in patient treatment, which were practiced by the Romans and which had never been completely forgotten in the Orient. He also advocated hydrotherapy combined with massages as well as hot air and light baths. Pia Bauer gained experience and Mathilde von Horn included massage courses and elements of physiotherapy in the care curriculum she designed. As early as 1913, Ernst von Seuffert had also reported on X-ray treatment for uterine cancer at the IV International Congress for Physiotherapy and pointed out the importance of complementary therapies.

Pia Bauer was in charge of nursing in the Samaritan House until her retirement in 1934. During this time, like Vincenz Czerny , she led generations of nursing students and nurses in the handling and demanding care of oncological patients , similar to how Vincenz Czerny practiced this in clinical classes with prospective physicians. Bauer lived in a spacious and comfortable living room and bedroom in the attic of the newly built Samaritan house, with a total of 67 square meters of living space, which was luxurious for the time. She shared the kitchen with other nurses. There was even an elevator, which was luxurious for the time. In 1933, she was awarded the Florence Nightingale Medal for her outstanding services to cancer nursing . Pia Bauer died on December 10, 1954 in her Heidelberg apartment.

Activity as an X-ray nurse

After Vinzenz Czerny started building a modern X-ray department in the Samaritan House in 1907, Pia Bauer also worked as an X-ray nurse. The job title for the X-ray nurse at that time is currently (2016) " Medical technical radiology assistant " or " Medical technical radiology assistant ." Working as an X-ray nurse in Pia Bauer's time was dangerous because the damage caused by X-rays was unknown. The X-ray nurses and doctors stood right next to fluoroscopy equipment without any protective clothing during the X-ray fluoroscopy of patients. A guard who had photographic experience was also employed in the Samaritan House. It was necessary to take into account technical changes and their modified conditions.

Henry Dunant received an honorary doctorate from the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg

In 1903 the founder of the International Red Cross, Henry Dunant , to whose mother house Pia Bauer belonged, was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Medical Faculty of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität for his services to nursing and special war nursing. Dunant received the honorary doctorate together with Gustave Moynier . The doctor, cancer researcher and medical supervisor of Pia Bauer, Vinzenz Czerny , emphasized at the centenary celebration of Ruperto Carola in 1903 the development of the free science of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität since 1803 and thus linked to the tradition of his predecessor Franz Anton Mai and his services to the academization of nursing a hundred years earlier. For health reasons it was not possible for Dunant to attend the Zentenar celebration. He limited himself to written greetings.

Activity during the two world wars

The Badischer Frauenverein , branch association Heidelberg, had six departments at the beginning of the First World War . One of these departments was the nursing department, which devoted a branch to sickness and hospital services. During the First World War, for example, Pia Bauer's work as superior of the Samaritan House was interrupted by assignments in hospital maintenance, including in the military hospital in the Heidelberg city hall. After she retired from nursing, Pia Bauer was reactivated again as nursing manager during the Second World War in December 1941 .

Fellow campaigners from the DRK care

Pia Bauer, Mathilde von Horn's companion, together with her resigned from the office of superior in 1908 to protest against the stressful working conditions in nursing. The DRK sisters Ernestine Thren and Olga Freiin von Lersner were also deployed at the academic hospital in Heidelberg, in overlapping years . Ernestine Thren earned merit in the care of people with smallpox. Olga von Lersner was superior of the Ludolf von Krehl Clinic and later the head of the nurses' school at Heidelberg University .

Stressful working conditions in the Samaritan House

At the latest after there was a technically modern X-ray department in the Samaritan House, which opened up better diagnostic and therapeutic options, the Samaritan House had to struggle with a lack of space and waiting lists from around 1907. This was one of the reasons for the resignation of the superior of Pia Bauer and Mathilde von Horn. The mortality rate between 1906 and 1909 was also around 13%. The psychological stress for the nursing staff should not be underestimated for this period. Vinzenz Czerny therefore paid more attention to the fact that patients with a more favorable prognosis were also admitted to the Samaritan House (ulcerative tuberculosis, benign goiters, etc.), so that the house did not get the reputation of the "infirmary" and the nursing staff again had a sense of achievement for their success Saw work.

Continuation of the tradition of oncological care in Heidelberg

In 1983, the Heidelberg University Surgical Clinic launched its first initiative to train nurses in oncological care. In 1991 the Heidelberg University Hospital received the first national recognition for this advanced training. Continuing the tradition of Pia Bauer and Vincenz Czerny, the University Hospital can be seen as a trailblazer for oncological care.


  • Pia Bauer received the Florence Nightingale Medal in 1933 .
  • The Conference on Oncological Nursing and Child Care (KOK) awards the Pia Bauer Prize.


  • Horst-Peter Wolff: Bauer, Pia . In: Horst-Peter Wolff (Hrsg.): Biographisches Lexikon zur care history. “Who was who in nursing history.” Urban & Fischer, 2001, Volume 2, ISBN 3-437-26670-5 , pp. 16-17.
  • Commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg: Pictures of life from Baden-Württemberg. W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 2007, Volume 22, ISBN 3-170-20184-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Daniela Wittmann: BA Nurse - a system for Germany ?! A historical-critical examination of Germany and its new perspectives , University of Heidelberg Institute for Gerontology, supervisor Eric Schmitt, 2015, on the genesis of the Luis Sisters under Luise von Prussia (first Red Cross Sisterhood in Karlsruhe, Baden), pp. 9 + 10. BA Nurse - System for Germany ?!
  2. Heidelberg University Surgical Clinic
  3. Vincenz Czerny : On the development of surgery during the 19th century and its relationship to teaching, academic speech to celebrate the birth of the most blessed Grand Duke Karl Friedrich on Nov. 21, 1903 , Prorectoral speech Hörning Verlag Heidelberg 1904, p. 20.
  4. Pia Rastetter: The non-surgical therapy of uterine cancer in Germany (1895-1945): X-ray therapy, radium therapy and complementary therapies, dissertation Institute for the history of medicine (now history and ethics of medicine) of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , academic supervisor Wolfgang U Eckart , 1999, pp. 18 + 19. Dissertation Pia Rastetter
  5. Heidelberg University Hospital , press release 2016/120, Wolfgang U. Eckart : Vinzenz Czerny - the great Heidelberg surgeon, radiation therapist and cancer researcher: October 3, 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of his death. Website Heidelberg University Hospital: Vinzenz Czerny
  6. Vincenz Czerny : The Heidelberg Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, Part 1, Verlag der H. Laupp'schen Buchhandlung Tübingen 1912, building plan No. 6 attic.
  7. ^ Nursing World, Vol. 96-97, 1936
  8. ^ Wolfgang U. Eckart and Robert Jütte : Medical History. An introduction , Böhlau Verlag Cologne, Weimar, Vienna, 2007, p. 292. History of medicine. An introduction
  9. ^ Wolfgang U. Eckart : History of Medicine , Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg et.al. 1990, photography of an X-ray fluoroscopy with nurses and doctors before 1900, Paris , p. 282. ISBN 3-540-52845-8 .
  10. ^ Julia Hallam: Nursing the Image. Media, culture and professional identity , Routledge London and New York 2000, here: Recruiting men to general nursing , pp. 112–117. ISBN 0-415-184541 .
  11. Alexander Sudahl: The Red Cross in the Kingdom of Württemberg , dissertation at the Institute for the History of Medicine at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , academic advisor Wolfgang U. Eckart , 2001, pp. 44–46. Doctorate Alexander Sudahl
  12. Vice-Rector Excellence Privy Councilor Professor Dr. Czerny : Ceremonial address , in: Senate of Ruperto Carola : Acta Saecularia. In memory of the centenary celebration at Heidelberg University, 1803–1903 , Verlag von Otto Petters Heidelberg 1904, pp. 59–61, Henry Dunant , pp. 180, 215.
  13. Dr. Elisabeth Herbig: Welfare and charity in Heidelberg , in: Frankfurter Nachrichten und Intelligence = Blatt , Sunday, July 12, 1914, No. 191, p. 10; Heidelberg University Library media number 05101622.
  14. Wolfgang U. Eckart : The wounds heal very nicely. Field postcards from the military hospital 1914–1918 , Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart 2013, p. 91 Field post card by Theodor Bechthold from the club hospital of the Academic Hospital Heidelberg, motif: soldiers with an unnamed nurse, p. 118 motif: Heidelberg. The town hall for wartime 1914-1917, pp. 132–205 on activities of daily living (ATLs) in the military hospital of the First World War. The wounds heal very nicely
  15. Christine R. Auer: History of the nursing professions as a subject. The curricular development in nursing education and training. Dissertation Institute History of Medicine (now: History and Ethics) of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , academic advisor Wolfgang U. Eckart , 2007, self-published in 2008. C. Auer: Geschichte Pflegeberufe
  16. ^ Cornelia Lindner: Vinzenz Czerny (1842–1916). Life and work of the Heidelberg surgeon and cancer researcher in a contemporary historical context, dissertation Institute for the History of Medicine (now: History and Ethics) of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , academic advisor Wolfgang U. Eckart , 2007, pp. 231–232, publishes Centaurus Verlag Herbolzheim 2009, pp. 219-229. Lindner: Vinzenz Czerny
  17. Website Heidelberg University Hospital, Burkhard Lebert: Double anniversary for cancer nursing in Heidelberg : 25 years of advanced training for people with cancer and chronic diseases at Heidelberg University Hospital , accessed on June 13, 2017.
  18. Pia Bauer Prize 2017. In: kok-krebsgesellschaft.de. 2017, accessed May 10, 2018 .