Kaspar Franz Krabbe

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Kaspar Franz Krabbe (born October 20, 1794 in Coesfeld , † April 4, 1866 in Münster ) was a German Roman Catholic pastor , school councilor and politician .

Krabbe attended high school in Coesfeld and then studied philosophy and theology in Münster . He was ordained a priest in 1817. Then he was chaplain in Borghorst until 1823 . Thereafter, Krabbe was pastor in Recklinghausen until 1828 . Between 1828 and 1845 he was a government and school councilor with the government in Münster and from 1845 also with the provincial school council for Westphalia . Krabbe campaigned for the promotion of elementary schools in the Münsterland . In doing so, he has always represented the Catholic Church's claim to influence the school. Also in 1845 he received an honorary doctorate from the theological faculty in Münster . In the same year he became canon and in 1858 cathedral dean .

Krabbe was a member of the Prussian National Assembly in 1848 as a member of the Kempen constituency . From 1852 to 1858 he represented Münster in the Prussian House of Representatives . There he was one of the initiators of the Catholic faction .

Between 1846 and 1866 he published the monthly paper for Catholic teaching and education . He also published various mostly educational but also historical writings.


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