Not afraid of love

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Original title Not afraid of love
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1933
length 94 minutes
Director Hans Steinhoff
script Walter Pieper
production Hans von Petersdorff and Nicolaus Oliver for Ideal-Film GmbH (Berlin)
music Franz Grothe
camera Robert Baberske
cut Martha Dübber

No fear of love is a German comedy of confusion by the director Hans Steinhoff from 1933. In the main roles , Liane Haid and Jessie Vihrog play the two secretaries Käte and Trude, who are dissatisfied with their working conditions for various reasons.


The unemployed secretary Käte applies due to a misunderstanding in the piano factory of the entrepreneur Helmut Hofert. Since he doesn't really need an additional secretary at the moment, but Käte looks very good to him, he hires her. Initially supervised with very few tasks, Kate soon gets bored in her new job.

Kate's friend Trude, who is also employed as a secretary in another company, unlike her, is so overwhelmed with work that she often has to work late into the night.

Kate explains to her boss that she is not satisfied with the small number of tasks assigned to her. At the same time, Kate tries to talk to Trude. The two women decide to call in sick together on the following day and then swap roles on the following day.

Neither of them can suspect that the respective bosses have reconsidered and changed the workload of their secretaries in the meantime. Due to this fact, the role reversal would actually not have been necessary in retrospect.

Production notes

Fritz Grossmann was in charge of production , Willi Morrée was in charge of recording .

No fear of love was premiered on December 12, 1933 in Berlin's Titania Palast .

Film censorship

The Nazi regime checked the film for any content that might be detrimental to the regime and, with resolution B.34907, imposed a youth ban on it on November 6, 1933 within the framework of the film censorship customary at the time .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Don't be afraid of love. In: Retrieved September 5, 2015 .