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Aying parish
Coordinates: 47 ° 55 ′ 36 "  N , 11 ° 45 ′ 23"  E
Postal code : 85653
Area code : 08095
Kleinkarolinenfeld settlement along the M9 district road

Kleinkarolinenfeld is a district of the Upper Bavarian municipality of Aying in the district of Munich . The hamlet came as part of the former municipality of Helfendorf (until 1875 Großhelfendorf ) on May 1, 1978 through the municipality reform to the municipality of Aying.


The settlement of Kleinkarolinenfeld emerged from 1802 as a planned re-establishment by the settlement of Protestant settlers from the Palatinate and Baden . The colonist village of Kleinkarolinenfeld, like Großkarolinenfeld , was named after Max IV Joseph's second wife , Princess Karoline von Baden .

On a strip-like manner to the north in the Hofoldinger timber into guided deforestation of about three kilometers in length and 350 m in width 17 settlers sites were united into a straight line, single-line road village.

Architectural monuments


  • Georg Paula , Timm Weski: District of Munich (= Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation [Hrsg.]: Monuments in Bavaria . Volume I.17 ). Karl M. Lipp Verlag, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-87490-576-4 , p. 28-30 .
  • Kleinkarolinenfeld. 1802-2002. Published by the community of Aying and the village community of Kleinkarolinenfeld, 2002. (not evaluated)

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