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Tübingen "Boys Comment" (1815)

A comment ([ kɔ.mɑ̃ ], from French comment “like”; also comment ) comprises written and unwritten rules for student coexistence.


The earliest known mention of specifically student mores comes from the rector of Orléans University , who in 1368 introduced the modus, quem [studiosi] vocant consuetudinem vel costumam ("the way they [the students] call the custom") mentioned. In the 17th century, Blasius Multibibus wrote in his ius potandi ("Zechrecht") of ceremoniis academicis ("student ceremonies").

The rules were already very complicated in the 18th century and violations could have serious consequences, because the students were often armed and did not hesitate to use weapons in spontaneous duels if someone did not behave towards them as they did considered right.

Newcomers to the university were of course not yet familiar with the Comment, which in those days was a reason to disregard it. Older students within the student organizations , the boys , was given the task to protect the newcomers until they were able to take responsibility for their behavior alone. To this day, newcomers to student associations are called foxes , even though no guidance on certain customs is necessary in public life.

The oldest known written version of a comment was the Dissertatio de norma actionum studiosorum seu by the boys-Comment edita abphia rerum bursicosarum experientissimo eodemque intrepido horribilique Martiali Schluck Raufenfelsensi from Erlangen, published in 1780. The work published under the pseudonym is today a certain Christian Friedrich Gleiß who was enrolled in Erlangen in 1772 in law. This treatise, however, was more in the form of a description of student manners and customs, written in the style of a dissertation at the time and not yet as a kind of code of law with a normative character.

In the book of the Göttingen corps student Daniel Ludwig Wallis , who was enrolled in 1810 in 1813, about life at the Göttingen University you can find the following explanations about the "Comment":

“'We are all brothers and equal to one another!' This is the motto of the students, the motto of academic freedom. Even if in more recent times people believed they had to restrict the old freedom for several reasons, the remaining remnants are still significant enough to form and permit a republic on a small scale. Republics, as they are known in the history of the peoples, could never come so close to the ideal as it does in the case of the free, independent world of boys. - The Comment is the basic law which determines the relationships between the students. Whoever is right in the comment knows what to do and what not to do as a student; Whoever acts contrary to this is rebuked and, if he does not improve, is despised. The fact that it still has some exaggerated concepts of honor, etc., has to be excused to some extent with the military zeitgeist. The future is reserved for further enlightenment! All means to use force to advance her failed to achieve the hoped-for purpose. "

- Daniel Ludwig Wallis : The Göttingen student

SC comment

In the period between the French Revolution and the Wars of Liberation , the demand for “written laws” to curb prince arbitrariness became louder and louder. The students wanted to set a good example and start at their university. The corps that were being formed at the time came together to form senior citizens' conventions (SC) at their respective universities in order to advise student matters and to adopt a written SC comment , which was regarded as binding for all students at the university. A large part of the SC comments was the regulation of fencing and dueling.

When other forms of student associations emerged in the following years that did not recognize the respective SC (first the fraternities from 1815), many different comments gradually emerged.

Beer Comment

Georg Mühlberg : Beer duel

As a parody of the SC-Comment - especially the regulations on dueling - the beer-comment arose as early as the first half of the 19th century from youthful exuberance , which parodied the procedures prescribed in the SC-Comment at the beer table. For example, the "beer duel" (also known as the "beer scandal") came up, which was fought with drinking beer instead of with scale bats . This custom still exists today as a beer boy .

The beer comment - originated as a joke - was taken very seriously and strongly formalized in the imperial era at the latest. The beer commentary was also widespread among student associations in the 20th and 21st centuries. Both hitting connections, which of course follow the rules of your fencing comment first of all , and non- hitting connections make use of the wide range of different drinking rituals.

Today's meaning

Today, comment is an expression for all kinds of rules and regulations that are adopted by student associations on various occasions with different areas of activity. Well-known terms are still the SC comment and the timpani or fencing comment , which regulates all questions about the scale . The Kneip Comment a compound regulates the formalities around the pub (similar Kommersbuch order ). The penalty comment summarizes measures that the convention can carry out to regulate members.


  • Nikolaus Balger (translator and commentator): Vom Burschen-Comment. A dissertation in Latin edited by Martialis Schluck, an old famous player from Raufenfels. Translated into standard German and provided with some explanatory notes. o. O. [Jena] 1798.
  • Christian Friedrich Gleiß (attributed to): Dissertatio de norma actionum studiosorum seu by the fellow-Comment edita abphia rerum bursicosarum experientissimo eodemque intrepido horribilique Martiali Schluck Raufenfelsensi . o. O. [Erlangen] 1780.
  • Association for corps student historical research : Fourteen of the oldest SC-Komments before 1820 (Frankfurt a. O. 1798, Halle a. S. 1799, Erlangen 1802, Heidelberg 1803 and 1806, Gießen 1806, Marburg 1807, Leipzig 1808, Tübingen with beer commentary, Jena 1809, Göttingen 1809, Landshut 1809, Freiburg 1818, Rostock 1812, Kiel 1813). Then and now . Special issue 1967.
  • Hans Peter Hümmer : The "Burschen-Comment" of Martialis Schluck von Raufenfels. The Latin version from 1780 and its German translation from 1798. In: Einst und Jetzt. Vol. 52 (2007), ISSN  0420-8870 .
  • General German beer commentary from 1899. New ed. by Michael Foshag. Collated in orig. by A. Gerlach. Content revised. and by Jochen Scheld. Edit linguistically by Michael Foshag and Horst Scheurer. Morstadt-Verlag, Kehl am Rhein 2005, ISBN 3-88571-316-0 .
  • Otto Böcher : Small encyclopedia of student customs. On behalf of the Alter Wingolfiten e. V. (= series of publications from Wingolf. No. 43). 3rd, revised. and presumably edition. Edition Piccolo Verlag, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-931892-06-7 .
  • Bernhard Grün , Christoph Vogel, Achim Weghorst: The Comment. Persistence and change. Student customs in four centuries. Bad Buchau 2018, 210 pp.

Web links

Commons : Comments (fraternity)  - Collection of pictures, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Ludwig Wallis: The Göttingen student or remarks, advice and instructions on Göttingen and student life on the Georgia Augusta. 2. Reprint of the 1913 (and 1813) edition. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 1995, ISBN 3-525-39153-6 , p. 65 f.