Georg Muhlberg

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The seven Swabians. postcard

Georg Mühlberg (born February 5, 1863 in Nuremberg , † January 1, 1925 in Munich ) was a German painter , draftsman and illustrator .

Mühlberg was the son of a Nuremberg shoemaker, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich , where he enrolled in the natural class on October 21, 1882. illustrated mainly children's and youth literature , including fables ( Paul Hey , 100 Fabels for Children, 1903 and others, color pictures), fairy tales and magazines. Several picture cycles deal with student life in striking connections ( couleur pictures ). Mühlberg produced popular postcard series on fairy tales ( Tischlein deck dich , Die Sieben Schwaben ) and sagas ( Tristan saga) as well as on the historical novel Lichtenstein by Wilhelm Hauff ( Der Pfeifer von Hardt ) and novels by Eugenie Marlitt ( The Owl House , The Secret of the Old Mamsell , Goldelse , Countess Gisela ), color postcards and drawings in the magazines Die Gartenlaube and Fliegende Blätter .


Web links

Commons : Georg Mühlberg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. 04199 Georg Mühlberg. In: Matriculation Book 2: 1841-1884. Matriculation database - Academy of Fine Arts Munich, accessed on December 19, 2019 .