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Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Oreochromini
Genre : Konia
Scientific name
Trewavas in Trewavas, Green & Corbet, 1972

Konia is a genus of fish from the family of cichlids (Cichlidae). It is endemic to the Barombi Mbo volcanic lakein Western Cameroon. The genus was named after a local name for these cichlids.


Konia species have a typical cichlid shape and are 9 to 12 cm long. Their bodies are strongly flattened on the sides and built to different heights. The body height reaches 25 to 37% of the standard length . The mouth is covered with two to three rows of teeth. The lower pharyngealia is longer than it is wide. Their coloring is inconspicuous. Brown and gray tones predominate, with some dark spots between the lateral line and the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin of the animals is supported by 15 to 16 spines and 10 to 12 soft rays. The number of spines in the anal fin is 3, those of the soft rays 8 to 10.

Way of life

The two Konia species live in the Barombi Mbo and feed mainly on mosquito and mayfly larvae , other invertebrates and freshly laid eggs of other cichlids and algae. Konia eisentrauti also has kleptoparasitism and “steals” food from freshwater crabs. Konia species are mouthbrooders . Both sexes can take part in the care of the mouthbrood.



  • Anton Lamboj : Konia Trewavas, 1972. In: Claus Schaefer, Torsten Schröer (Hrsg.): The large lexicon of aquaristics. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8001-7497-9 , p. 535.
  • Uli Schiewen: The cichlids of the Cameroon crater lakes. in DATZ , 3/92, ISSN  1616-3222
  • Uli Schiewen: Diversity in the smallest of spaces - Cameroon's south-western province. in DATZ, 2/2003, ISSN  1616-3222

Web links

Commons : Kōnia  - collection of images, videos and audio files