Conical spiral

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Conical spiral with Archimedean spiral as a plan
Ground plan: Fermatsche spiral
Ground plan: logarithmic spiral
Ground plan: hyperbolic spiral

A conical spiral is a curve on a perpendicular circular cone , the outline of which is a plane spiral . If the ground plan is a logarithmic spiral , it is called a concho spiral, derived from conch (water snail).

Like the logarithmic spiral itself, the concho spiral constructed with it also plays a role in biology in the modeling of snail shells , in insect flight and in technology in the construction of broadband antennas .

Parametric representation

Is in the - level through the parametric representation

Given a plane spiral, a third coordinate can be added so that the resulting spatial curve lies on the vertical circular cone with the equation :

Curves of this type are called conical spirals and the plane spiral used for construction is their plan. They were already known to Pappos .

The parameter is the slope of the taper line compared to the - plane.

The conical spiral can also be viewed as an orthogonal projection of the ground plan spiral onto the surface of the cone.

1) Assuming an Archimedean spiral , the conical spiral is obtained (see picture)
In this case, the conical spiral can also be understood as the intersection of a cone and a helical surface .
2) The second picture shows a conical spiral with a Fermat's spiral as a plan.
3) The third example has a logarithmic spiral as a floor plan. It is characterized by a constant slope (see below).
4) In this example the floor plan is a hyperbolic spiral . It has an asymptote (black straight line). This asymptote is the outline of a hyperbola (purple), which the conical spiral for approximates.


Properties of conical spirals with outlines of the shape or are specified below:


Pitch angle at one point of a conical spiral

The slope of a conical spiral is the slope of the spiral (tangent) relative to the horizontal ( - plane). The associated gradient angle is (see picture):

For a spiral with :

For an Archimedean spiral, and therefore the slope

  • For a logarithmic spiral with is ( ).

A concho spiral is therefore also called an equiangular conical spiral.

Arc length

The length of an arc of a curve in a conical spiral is

For an Archimedean spiral, the occurring integral, as in the plane case, can be solved with the help of an integration table.

For a logarithmic spiral, the integral can easily be solved:

In other cases, elliptic integrals can occur.


Development (green) of a conical spiral (red), right: side view. The settlement level is . At first it touches the cone in the purple straight line.

For the development of a conical spiral, the distance between a curve point and the tip of the cone and the relationship between the angle and the angle in the development must be determined:

The polar representation of the developed conical spiral is:

The development in the case is the curve in polar representation

a coil of the same type. Specifically:

  • If the outline of a conical spiral is an Archimedean spiral, the development is also an Archimedean spiral.
In the case of a hyperbolic spiral ( ), the development is even congruent to the floor plan.

In the case of a logarithmic spiral with , the development is the logarithmic spiral

Tangent track

Conical spiral with hyperbolic spiral as a floor plan: tangent track (purple circle). The black straight line is the asymptote of the hyperbolic spiral.

The intersection of the tangents of a conical spiral with the - plane (plane through the tip of the cone) is called the tangent track.

For the conical spiral

is the tangent vector

and the tangent:

The intersection of the tangent with the - plane has the parameter and is

For is and the tangent track again a spiral, which, however, in the case (hyperbolic spiral) to a circle of radius degenerate (see picture). For is and the track again congruent to given logarithmic spiral spiral (for self-similarity of a logarithmic spiral ).

Shells of two different marine snail species: on the left a left-handed shell Neptunea angulata , on the right a right-handed shell Neptunea despecta

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Scientist
  2. ^ Conchospirals in the Flight of Insects
  3. John D. Dyson: The Equiangular Spiral Antenna. In: IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 7, 1959, pp. 181-187.
  4. ^ TA Kozlovskaya: The Concho-Spiral on the Cone. Vestn. Novosib. Gos. Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh. Inform., 11: 2 (2011), 65-76.
  5. ^ Siegmund Günther, Anton Edler von Braunmühl, Heinrich Wieleitner: History of mathematics. GJ Göschen, 1921, p. 92.
  6. Theodor Schmid: Descriptive Geometry. Volume 2, Association of Scientific Publishers, 1921, p. 229.

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