Konstantin Ferstl

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Konstantin Maria Ferstl (* 1983 in Eichstätt ) is a German director , author and musician .


Ferstl was born in the Bavarian town of Eichstätt in the Altmühltal as the eldest son of an academic family and grew up in the Hallertau . He read books by Michael Ende and JRR Tolkien at the age of three and wrote his first stories of his own at preschool age. As a student, he received awards for his linguistic talent. After graduating from high school and doing community service , he studied directing at the University of Television and Film in Munich . In 2010 he founded the production company Caporetto Film , named after the Slovenian town of Caporetto , which also plays a major role in Ernest Hemingway's novel A Farewell to Arms .


Growing up without a television set, Ferstl began making his own films as a teenager after seeing Toto, the hero of Jaco Van Dormael , for the first time . While studying directing, he made short films like Lethe (based on a poem by Baudelaire ) and Tage like Jahre . His first feature film, Trans Bavaria , premiered at the Hofer Filmtage in 2011 , where it was awarded the Bild-Kunst-Preis, and was released in German cinemas in spring 2012. For Trans Bavaria , Ferstl also received the Starter Film Prize of the City of Munich and the Bavarian Culture Prize .


As a child he received piano and singing lessons, later he learned to play the guitar himself, after his parents taught him songs by Hannes Wader and Bettina Wegner . As a teenager he began to write his own songs. He published several records as a singer and songwriter, u. a. also with his school friend, the composer Christoph Zirngibl . During his studies he also worked as a bar pianist. Ferstl composed the score for short films and for the feature film Drei Stunden .

Films (selection)

Script & direction


  • 2006: Shadow Child (Director: Hans Hege)
  • 2009: Daniels Asche (Director: Boris Kunz )
  • 2012: Three Hours (Director: Boris Kunz)

Sound carrier (selection)

  • 2008: Songs From The City, Hymns To The Country (with Symbiance)
  • 2009: They Called Me The Hyacinth Girl
  • 2010: What The Geologist Knew About Time (with Symbiance)
  • 2012: Three hours (original film music)
  • 2014: The Love to End All Love (with Symbiance)

Web links