Cultural investment program

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Cultural investment program is the name for state investment programs in the field of culture launched by several states in the Federal Republic of Germany ( Berlin , Brandenburg , Saxony-Anhalt , Hesse ) . Investments in museums, theaters and other cultural institutions are mostly funded. Occasionally, other projects that are to be viewed as individual measures are also assigned this term.

Programs of the individual countries


The Berlin Cultural Investment Program (KIP) was set up on January 1, 2007 on the basis of the operational program for the use of the European Regional Development Fund ERDF in Berlin 2007-2013. The program has its own funding guidelines, on the basis of which in the period from 2007 to In 2013 (payment by 2015) a total of more than € 26 million will be available. This means that individual projects by public and private applicants can be supported up to 50% of the costs. The other half of the cost must be met from other government or private sources. Investment projects that develop the tourist attraction of a cultural heritage, such as a museum collection, are eligible for funding. It must be about so-called "image-building potentials" of the cultural heritage that are of importance to tourism. Pure monument preservation projects are not eligible.


The governing mayor of Berlin and the Berlin Senate Chancellery are responsible for implementing the cultural investment program . The cultural department, which has been located there since 2006, answers questions and issues application forms. The cultural investment program of the state of Berlin did not actually start until mid-2008 because the operational program of the ERDF in Berlin was only approved by the European Commission in November 2007. Funding examples are

  • the establishment of an open air exhibition by the Berlin Wall Foundation in Bernauer Strasse
  • the expansion of the Nazi Forced Labor Documentation Center in Berlin-Schöneweide
  • the expansion of buildings on the Spandau Citadel for a museum about Berlin monuments
  • the technical renewal in the theater on Schiffbauerdamm
  • the expansion of the Science Center SPEKTRUM in the German Museum of Technology Berlin
  • securing the Berlin Ceramic Museum
  • the improvement of the acoustics in the Friedrichstadtpalast
  • the interior and surrounding renovation of the New Pavilion in Charlottenburg
  • the establishment of the computer game museum in Berlin
  • trying out special offers for visitors to Schönhausen Palace
  • the expansion of the offers on the Dahlem domain
  • the renovation and furnishing of the Nikolaikirche Berlin
  • Expansion measures in the international cultural center ufaFabrik in Tempelhof
  • Expansion of the exhibition area for the vehicle collection of the German Museum of Technology
  • securing the Berlin Ceramic Museum
  • the expansion of a villa in Berlin-Marzahn (Biesdorf Castle) for a picture exhibition
  • the preparation of a former freight railway building for the exhibition "the network" of the German Museum of Technology
  • Renewal measures in the Zeiss large planetarium
  • the renovation of venues in the Volksbühne Berlin
  • the modernization of the orchestra podiums in the Konzerthaus Berlin
  • the preparation of the artist areas in the Kammerspiele of the German theater .

For each project, quantified goals must be set, such as the number of tourist visitors expected after the project has ended and the size of the expanded show or service areas.

The previous program in Berlin in the years 2004 - 2008 was called "Promotion of the tourist infrastructure". Examples of the funding at that time are among others


The Brandenburg (municipal) cultural investment program (KKIP) was relaunched for the second time in 2007. The first generation of programs ran from 1996 to 1999, the second from 2000 to 2006. Funds from the European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ), which are available to Brandenburg as a so-called Objective 1 or Objective "Convergence" region, are used for the programs . The first KKIP was launched in 1996 and financed from the ERDF.

KKIP 2007 - 2013

The funding objectives and modalities of the 2nd edition of the KKIP are regulated in the funding principles of the Ministry for Science, Research and Culture (MWFK) of the State of Brandenburg from April 2008. The basic aim of the program is to better exploit the tourist potential of cultural offers in order to achieve more employment and growth in the tourism-related sectors such as B. the transportation and hospitality industries. At the same time, the funded projects are intended to generally improve the settlement conditions for the commercial sector by making the location more attractive.

Cities, municipalities and districts as well as legal entities under private law are eligible to apply, provided they do not pursue commercial purposes. The grant is generally 50% of the eligible costs, which does not include art and exhibition objects and the costs of purchasing the property. Applications can be submitted to the MWFK Brandenburg in Potsdam . The approval and control of the projects is handled by the Investment Bank of the State of Brandenburg.

KKIP 2000 - 2006

According to an announcement by the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg, approx. € 22.8 million ERDF funds from the program are used in 12 different projects. Including co-financing from state, federal and other sources, the use of funds amounted to more than € 49 million. The KKIP is thus one of the most important special budget items for the financing of investments relevant to cultural tourism. Project examples are:

  • Youth meeting place Ravensbrück
  • Museum Viadrina and Museum of Young Art in Frankfurt (Oder)
  • Branitz Park Visitor Center
  • Culture and communication center Herzberg
  • Orangery Oranienburg
  • Jüterbog cultural quarter
  • Rüdersdorf Museum Park
  • Ziesar Castle
  • IBA terraces
  • Pauli Monastery Brandenburg / H.
  • Museum Park Rüdersdorf (3rd phase)
  • Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt (event house)


The Hessian cultural investment program was launched in 2001 and ended in 2008. It had a volume of € 231 million, of which € 130 million was to be spent on renovating the state theaters. A further € 83 million was earmarked for the Hessian museums and € 43 million for monument conservation work in the castles and gardens of Hesse. Projects by other actors should be funded with a further € 5.6 million, including according to the state government

  • Establishment of the Mathematics Museum in Giessen,
  • Renovation of the armory, Jagdschloss Kranichstein,
  • technical equipment of the glider museum on the Wasserkuppe,
  • Construction of the Bad Hersfeld rehearsal house,
  • Equipping the Landesmusikakademie Schlitz with instruments and other inventory,
  • Reconstruction of the Jagdschloss Platte Wiesbaden,
  • Renovation of the open-air theater in Heppenheim,
  • Christian Daniel Rauch Museum in Bad Arolsen,
  • Russian Orthodox Chapel Darmstadt,
  • Refurbishment of the "old gas works" in Marburg.


The cultural investment program of the state of Saxony-Anhalt also draws on funds from the ERDF . For the duration of the program from 2007 to 2015, approx. € 21 million available. The details were regulated by a guideline issued by the Saxony-Anhalt Ministry of Culture on December 3, 2007. The program promotes tourism-related construction investments in the field of culture, projects for the development of cultural heritage (e.g. the creation of barrier-free access in a castle or a museum) and the development of tourism-related networks. Applicants can be legal entities under private and public law. The funding can amount to up to 75% of the eligible costs, in cases of non-profit applicants up to 90%. The application is made via the Sachsen-Anhalt investment bank. Application documents are available from Section 51 of the Ministry of Culture in Saxony-Anhalt.

Individual evidence

  1. Operational program of the State of Berlin for the European Fund for Regional Development in the funding period 2007-2013 (ERDF) ( Memento of the original from May 9th, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 1.7 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. List of contact persons  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  3. Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK) of the State of Brandenburg - Funding principles  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  4. ^ State of Brandenburg - Ministry for Science, Research and Culture (MWFK)
  5. State of Brandenburg - Ministry for Science, Research and Culture (MWFK): Municipal Cultural Investment Program (KKIP) 2000 - 2006 (PDF; 17 kB)
  6. Hessian Ministry for Science and Art - Cultural Investment Program ( Memento of the original from July 14, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. Guideline on the granting of grants for the promotion of cultural infrastructures within the framework of the EU structural fund funding 2007 to 2013 (guideline cultural investment program - Rili KIP) RdErl. Of the MK from December 3, 2007 - 51-57001  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 24 kB)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  8. Cultural funding - EU structural funds funding in the cultural sector of Saxony-Anhalt - Cultural Investment Program (KIP) and Cultural Education Program (ProKultur)
  • Press release of the Senate Chancellery of the State of Berlin "Documentation Center Nazi Forced Labor will be expanded" from October 24, 2008 (press release)
  • Project selection criteria for the cultural investment program 2007 - 2013 (selection criteria) (PDF; 21 kB)
  • Administrative regulation on the granting of funding within the framework of the cultural investment program - KIP (VV KIP) of December 17, 2008 (Official Journal for Berlin 2008 No. 31, p. 1806).
  • For the budget, see: Budget for Berlin 2008/2009, Volume 03, Section 03, Governing Mayor, Chapter 0310 - Cultural Affairs, Title 27297 (p. 64) and Title 68697 (p. 88).
  • Project selection criteria and funding conditions of the 2004 - 2006 program according to the supplementary program planning document to the uniform programming document for the interventions of the European Structural Funds in Berlin (Objective 2), pp. 218–220 (Conditions for Objective 2) ; applies analogously to the Objective 1 area (eastern part of the city) (see supplementary program planning document for the operational program for the interventions of the European Structural Funds in Berlin (Objective 1), pp. 178–180 (Conditions Objective 1) .
  • MWFK Brandenburg press release of December 17th, 2008: Like a phoenix from the ashes: Brilliant illustrated book shows magnificently restored cultural sites (press release)
  • Funding principles for the KKIP 2007 - 2013 (funding principles)
  • Project list KKIP 2000–2006 of the MWFK from May 2004 (list) (PDF; 17 kB).
  • Answer of the state government to the minor question no. 702 of the state parliament member Dr. Andreas Trunschke based on the "Culture Investment Program" of January 23, 1996 (State Parliament printed matter No. 2/2358) (answer) (PDF; 32 kB)