Culture box

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The Kulturkiste was a thirty-minute television broadcast from 2002 from the ORF art series, which had already been discontinued . The culture box was moderated by the two well-known satirists and cabaret artists Christoph Grissemann and Dirk Stermann , who were accompanied by cabaret artist Günther Lainer and eccentric Max Meyr . The latter two served as driver of a light blue VW - flatbed truck from the 1960s, on the loading area is about two cubic meters of large yellow box culture was, from the Stermann & Grissemann climbed at the beginning of each mission.

For each of the six editions of the Kulturkiste, a place in Austria was traveled with a flatbed truck and presented in a humorous way.

The places visited were, in chronological order:

The gold, silver or bronze culture box was awarded as a prize at the end of the broadcast to the respective locality. During the broadcast there were always short external contributions from Stermann & Grissemann , such as a theater rehearsal or an artificial Ö1 radio play production.