Kurt Hoesch

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Kurt Hoesch (born March 26, 1882 in Düren , † November 27, 1932 in Kreuzau near Düren) was a German chemist.


He was the son of a steel industrialist and began his scientific career as an academic student of Emil Fischer . He worked on depsipeptides (esters of hydroxybenzoic acids). Hoesch became particularly known for his work on the synthesis of phenyl ketones ( Houben-Hoesch reaction ). In this process, polyhydric phenols are reacted with nitriles and hydrogen chloride to form hydroxyketimides, which can be hydrolyzed to hydroxyketones . During the First World War, Hoesch worked as a professor of organic chemistry at Istanbul University. Then he joined his father's steel company.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Winfried R. Pötsch, Annelore Fischer and Wolfgang Müller with the collaboration of Heinz Cassebaum : Lexicon of important chemists . Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig, 1988, ISBN 3-323-00185-0 , pp. 206-207.